Philosophy, Religion
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We’re Good at Being Bad Christians + Jayne Sugg

We’re Good at Being Bad Christians + Jayne Sugg

When was the last time you read your Bible?

If you’ve “deconstructed” from evangelicalism — or any faith tradition — you know that as your faith has evolved your practices have shifted too. On this episode, Katelyn and Roxy explore what it means to find ways to engage with God, with church and with spiritual practices that feel honest and life giving in this, ahem, season (you can take the girl out of evangelicalism but …). We are joined by musician — and friend! — Jayne Sugg, whose new album “Belief Is Hard” is a beautiful exploration of her own “faith renaissance.”


  • Jayne Sugg is a New Mexico transplant in New York City. She is a singer and songwriter and a teacher by day. She leads worship and is a member of The Good Shepherd Collective, “a diaspora of musicians who are committed to writing and making music about peace, love, and acceptance.” Check out her debut album, Belief Is Hard, wherever you listen to your music!

Songs from Jayne’s album are used on this episode with her permission.

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