Simplify Your Morning With a One-Step Coffee-Weighing Cup
Eyeballs are great: I have two. I also like spoons. But if you want a consistent coffee dose for great espresso or pour-over, a precise scale is the mildly inconvenient one true path. I can still remember a time when in order to weigh out my coffee beans each morning, I placed a little dosing cup atop a digital scale, and then pressed a button on the scale, and then waited a second or so for the scale’s display to zero out before pouring coffee beans into the dosing cup. Back in the sands of time—October of 2024, I think it was—I didn’t consider this a dire inconvenience. It’s just how coffee scales work. But perhaps they don’t need to. Over the past year or so, a few coffee brands have cottoned to the simple idea that a dosing cup and scale could be combined into one device. Trigger lightbulbs above foreheads, and bluebirds on shoulders. Perhaps the most elegant of these is the Subscale, new from Singapore coffee brand Subminimal (also the maker of …