Ofsted promises report cards will be ‘sensible middle ground’
Ofsted’s national director also signals move back to ‘looking more at statutory outcomes’ Ofsted’s national director also signals move back to ‘looking more at statutory outcomes’ More from this theme Recent articles The national director for education at Ofsted has promised to a find a “sensible middle ground” on the incoming national report card system. Lee Owston told leaders at the Schools and Academies Show today not to believe everything they read, after Ofsted report card proposals leaked to the press last week. Proposals leaked to the Financial Times indicated schools could be judged on a sliding five-point scale from ‘exemplary’ to ‘causing concern’, against 10 evaluation areas including teaching, achievement, inclusion and preparation for next steps. Owston told attendees in Birmingham: “You would expect me to be putting every single option available to me on the table so that I can have a debate with the right individuals, and those elements that sit at the extremes of what we might want to do are dismissed. “I’m narrowing down all of the time to get …