All posts tagged: classic

The Scene That Reveals the Beauty of Classic Hollywood Cinema

The Scene That Reveals the Beauty of Classic Hollywood Cinema

1939 is wide­ly con­sid­ered the great­est year in Hol­ly­wood his­to­ry. Back then, writes 1939: The Year in Movies author Tom Flan­nery, the so-called “Big Eight” major Amer­i­can stu­dios “had a com­bined 590 actors, 114 direc­tors and 340 writ­ers under con­tract, each of whom worked an eight-hour shift every week­day,” plus half a day on Sat­ur­day. “It took an aver­age of 22 days to shoot a movie, at an aver­age cost of $300,000.” Annu­al gross­es exceed­ing $700 mil­lion “made it eas­i­er to take a chance on ‘risky’ or com­mer­cial­ly untest­ed mate­r­i­al.” From this indus­tri­al envi­ron­ment came forth one new fea­ture for every sin­gle day of the year, includ­ing Gone With the Wind, The Wiz­ard of Oz, Mr. Smith Goes to Wash­ing­ton, Stage­coach, and Young Mr. Lin­coln. There’s one prob­lem with this fram­ing: The Philadel­phia Sto­ry did­n’t come out until 1940. In his new video above, Evan Puschak, bet­ter known as the Nerd­writer, uses that cel­e­brat­ed pic­ture — and in fact, just one of its scenes in par­tic­u­lar — to reveal the com­mer­cial-artis­tic genius of old Hol­ly­wood. …

A Woman-Centered Retelling of a Greek Classic

A Woman-Centered Retelling of a Greek Classic

The Women of Troy by Pat Barker Several years ago, I read Barker’s The Silence of the Girls, which re-centers the story of the fall of Troy around the women impacted by the decade-long war. Briseis is a Trojan woman taken as a spoil of war and given to Achilles, the famed hero of the Trojan War. In The Silence of the Girls, we follow Briseis through the end of the war when Achilles gave her to be the wife of one of his favorite warriors.  The Women of Troy continues Breiseis’ story. Now as a wife, instead of an enslaved concubine, Briseis possesses a new layer of protection at camp. After the fall of Troy, she watches as more Trojan women are enslaved, notably Hecuba, the Queen of Troy, and Andromache, Prince Hector’s widow. Helen, the face that launched a thousand ships, has also reentered camp, as well as Cassandra, Hecuba’s daughter who is cursed to see the future but to have no one believe her. Pat Barker’s skill lies in directing the reader’s …

Binge-Watch Classic Television Programs Free: The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Lone Ranger, Dragnet, That Girl & More

Binge-Watch Classic Television Programs Free: The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Lone Ranger, Dragnet, That Girl & More

Ear­li­er this week, we fea­tured the 99-year-old Dick Van Dyke’s per­for­mance in Cold­play’s new music video, full of visu­al ref­er­ences to the sit­com that made him a house­hold name in the ear­ly nine­teen-six­ties. And a house­hold name he remains these six decades lat­er, though one does won­der how many of those who appre­ci­ate his extreme longevi­ty — both cul­tur­al and bio­log­i­cal — have ever seen an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show. I myself only caught the occa­sion­al late-night rerun in child­hood, but how­ev­er much he indulged his char­ac­ter­is­tic goofi­ness, the thir­ty-some­thing Van Dyke in the role of com­e­dy writer Rob Petrie always struck me as the very image of mature adult­hood. Whether or not you saw it in the first place, you can now watch The Dick Van Dyke Show’s five sea­sons free on Youtube, start­ing with the first here. They’ve come avail­able at a chan­nel called Film­Rise Tele­vi­sion, on whose col­lec­tion of playlists you’ll also find such pil­lars of mid-cen­tu­ry Amer­i­can tele­vi­sion as Drag­net, The Lone Ranger, Bonan­za, and That Girl. Hard …

The Illustrated Version of “Alice’s Restaurant”: Watch Arlo Guthrie’s Thanksgiving Counterculture Classic

The Illustrated Version of “Alice’s Restaurant”: Watch Arlo Guthrie’s Thanksgiving Counterculture Classic

Alice’s Restau­rant. It’s now a Thanks­giv­ing clas­sic, and some­thing of a tra­di­tion around here. Record­ed in 1967, the 18+ minute coun­ter­cul­ture song recounts Arlo Guthrie’s real encounter with the law, start­ing on Thanks­giv­ing Day 1965. As the long song unfolds, we hear all about how a hip­pie-bat­ing police offi­cer, by the name of William “Obie” Oban­hein, arrest­ed Arlo for lit­ter­ing. (Cul­tur­al foot­note: Obie pre­vi­ous­ly posed for sev­er­al Nor­man Rock­well paint­ings, includ­ing the well-known paint­ing, “The Run­away,” that graced a 1958 cov­er of The Sat­ur­day Evening Post.) In fair­ly short order, Arlo pleads guilty to a mis­de­meanor charge, pays a $25 fine, and cleans up the thrash. But the sto­ry isn’t over. Not by a long shot. Lat­er, when Arlo (son of Woody Guthrie) gets called up for the draft, the pet­ty crime iron­i­cal­ly becomes a basis for dis­qual­i­fy­ing him from mil­i­tary ser­vice in the Viet­nam War. Guthrie recounts this with some bit­ter­ness as the song builds into a satir­i­cal protest against the war: “I’m sit­tin’ here on the Group W bench ’cause you want to know if I’m moral enough to join the Army, burn women, kids, hous­es …

The A Ma Maniére x Nike Air Force 1 ‘W.Y.W.S.’ Is an Instant Classic

The A Ma Maniére x Nike Air Force 1 ‘W.Y.W.S.’ Is an Instant Classic

The inside of the trainer is lined with mauve terry cotton, and the sidewalls are amped up by two super shiny Swooshes. All of this then rests on top of a white rubber midsole. But while most Forces since the ’80s have been stamped with “Air” along the back, this one’s got A Ma Maniére branding instead. Why? Well, just so everyone knows that this ain’t no ordinary collab. A Ma Maniére has been an institution in the sneakerverse since 2014. Founded by designer James Whitner, the brand’s French name translates to “in my way”—a nod to how the designer has always done things on his own terms. Alongside the ‘Sesame,’ the ‘While You Were Sleeping’ lineup also includes other hyped drops like the Air Jordan 4 (that launched a few months ago) as well as the label’s first ever Air Max 95. And with this collection celebrating AMM’s 10th anniversary, it’s safe to say that it’s a pretty big deal. A Ma Maniére x Nike Air Force 1 ‘W.Y.W.S.’ A Ma Maniére The A …

Watch 70+ Classic Literary Films Free Online: The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Gulliver’s Travels, Jane Eyre, and More

Watch 70+ Classic Literary Films Free Online: The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Gulliver’s Travels, Jane Eyre, and More

The term gaslight has gained so much trac­tion in pop­u­lar dis­course so recent­ly that you’d swear it was coined around 2010. In fact, that par­tic­u­lar usage goes at least as far back as 1938, when British nov­el­ist and play­wright Patrick Hamil­ton wrote a stage thriller about a hus­band who sur­rep­ti­tious­ly rearranges things in the house so as to make his wife believe that she’s gone insane. Gas Light proved enough of a hit to be adapt­ed for the cin­e­ma two years lat­er, with the two words of its title stream­lined into one. You can watch Thorold Dick­in­son’s Gaslight just above, and if you enjoy it, have a look at the rest of the more than 70 lit­er­ary movies col­lect­ed into this playlist from the ver­i­fied YouTube chan­nel Cult Cin­e­ma Clas­sics. If you know your cin­e­ma his­to­ry, you’ll know that Gaslight was remade in Hol­ly­wood in 1944, direct­ed by George Cukor and star­ring Charles Boy­er, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cot­ten, and Angela Lans­bury. (That ver­sion inspired Steely Dan’s song “Gaslight­ing Abbie,” where I first heard the word myself.) In …

T. S. Eliot’s Classic Modernist Poem The Waste Land Gets Adapted into Comic-Book Form

T. S. Eliot’s Classic Modernist Poem The Waste Land Gets Adapted into Comic-Book Form

The phrase “April is the cru­elest month” was first print­ed more than 100 years ago, and it’s been in com­mon cir­cu­la­tion almost as long. One can eas­i­ly know it with­out hav­ing the faintest idea of its source, let alone its mean­ing. This is not, of course, to call T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land an obscure work. Despite hav­ing met with a deri­sive, even hos­tile ini­tial recep­tion, it went on to draw acclaim as one of the cen­tral Eng­lish-lan­guage poems of the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry, to say noth­ing of its sta­tus as an achieve­ment with­in the mod­ernist move­ment. But how, here in the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry, to read it afresh? One new avenue to approach The Waste Land is this com­ic-book adap­ta­tion by Julian Peters, pre­vi­ous­ly fea­tured here on Open Cul­ture for his graph­ic ren­di­tions of oth­er such poems as Edgar Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee, W. B. Yeats’ “When You Are Old,” and Eliot’s own “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” It’s an adap­ta­tion, to be pre­cise, of the first of The Waste Land’s five sec­tions, “The Bur­ial …

Why Tailoring Experts Swear by This Classic Menswear Book

Why Tailoring Experts Swear by This Classic Menswear Book

The process of choosing, wearing, and caring for a suit is often fraught with tough decisions, confusing jargon, and conflicting opinions. That’s why we’ve assembled an all-star roster of menswear experts to definitively answer all your sartorial queries. Welcome to GQ’s Ask a Tailor. If looking good in a suit is a science, then Alan Flusser is one of the field’s pre-eminent PhDs. Flusser is known for outfitting generations of men at his eponymous NYC haberdashery and designing the power suits Michael Douglas wore in Wall Street, but his most lasting legacy might be his genre-defining menswear book, Dressing the Man. Published in 2002, Dressing the Man is a richly illustrated 300-page tome covering every aspect of classic men’s clothing from suits to socks. Unlike other how-to guides, however, Dressing the Man is less concerned with telling you what clothes to wear than teaching you how to assemble a wardrobe that works with your face shape, body type, and skin tone. From what shade of blue best suits your complexion to which tie knot complements …

Download 1,000+ Digitized Tapes of Sounds from Classic Hollywood Films & TV, Courtesy of the Internet Archive

Download 1,000+ Digitized Tapes of Sounds from Classic Hollywood Films & TV, Courtesy of the Internet Archive

Watch enough clas­sic movies — espe­cial­ly clas­sic movies from slight­ly down­mar­ket stu­dios — and you’ll swear you’ve been hear­ing the very same sound effects over and over again. That’s because you have been hear­ing the very same sound effects over and over again: once record­ed or acquired for one film, they could, of course, be re-used in anoth­er, and anoth­er, and anoth­er. No such fre­quent­ly employed record­ing has a more illus­tri­ous and well-doc­u­ment­ed his­to­ry than the so-called “Wil­helm scream,” which, accord­ing to Oliv­er Macaulay at the Sci­ence + Media Muse­um, “has been used in over 400 films and TV pro­grams.” “First record­ed in 1951, the ‘Wil­helm scream’ was ini­tial­ly fea­tured as stock sound effect in Raoul Walsh’s west­ern Dis­tant Drums,” writes Macaulay, but it got its name from a scene in The Charge at Feath­er Riv­er, from 1953: “When Pri­vate Wil­helm takes an arrow to the leg, he lets out the fabled blood-cur­dling cry which came to per­me­ate Hollywood’s sound­scape.” It may well have been most wide­ly heard in the orig­i­nal Star Wars, “when Luke …

Some Classic Fallout Games Are Free on the Epic Games Store Right Now

Some Classic Fallout Games Are Free on the Epic Games Store Right Now

You have probably played through at least one of the later Fallout games, but have you ever played the original? Or the two games that come next in the series? Well, now you can, for free, thanks to the Epic Games Store. But only if you’re quick. The Fallout Classic Collection Is Free (If You’re Quick) From August 29 to September 5, Fallout Classic Collection is available to download from the Epic Games Store for free. Fallout Classic Collection comprises the original Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. Once you claim the free download, the games will be permanently added to your library. It will then be on you to find the time to actually play the darn things as well as the countless other games you no doubt already own. As you can see from the tweet above, alongside Fallout Classic Collection, Epic is also giving Wild Card Football away for free (until September 5). However, while that game has some decent reviews (alongside some terrible ones), it hasn’t got the …