Don’t Fall For This “Sad Announcement” Phishing Scam
Key Takeaways Beware fake “sad announcement” phishing scams, which can come off as legitimate with touching quotes and real names. Delete the message and block the sender if you receive a “sad announcement” phishing email; contact loved ones mentioned to alert them to a potential scam. If you fell for the scam, inform the payment provider, cancel bank cards, and scan for malware to minimize financial and tech damage. Some phishing scams are easy to recognize, but you’ll have to try harder in other cases. One of the most sinister schemes circulating now relates to fake sad announcements; it’s vital that you know what to look out for. What Is the “Sad Announcement” Phishing Scam? The “sad announcement” phishing scam involves someone sending you a message saying they have bad news. Most of the time, this relates to them claiming one of your loved ones has passed away. These emails almost always finish off with a thought-provoking quote. You will also see a link included, which typically looks strange. While you can use websites to …