The Rainforest Personality Test Reveals What You Value Most In Life
The rainforest personality test is the newest way to learn more about true nature — specifically, what it is you value most in life. These types of personality tests dive deep into your psyche without making you think too much about it. This lets you act on impulse more comfortably, making choices that are truer to who you are and what you want for yourself and those you care about. Here’s how the rainforest personality test goes: You are on a journey to get back home and you reach a rainforest. You have four animals with you: a cow, a horse, a lion, and a monkey. Your food supply will never last if you bring all four animals with you through the rainforest, but you have no choice. It’s the only way home and you have to continue forward. You must immediately chose an animal to leave behind. Out of the cow, horse, lion, and monkey, which one do you choose to leave behind? Now you and the remaining three animals continue walking and all …