New Year…Still You | Psychology Today
“The new start.” Those three words sound good. Really good. They sound relieving. A new year means more possibilities, a chance for a do-over, or a more improved you. It can also be an opportunity to separate yourself from what went wrong last year or what you don’t like about yourself. You resolve to be better, do better, look better, act better, to take on a task or a goal you’ve been putting off. You resolve to be that version of you that has often felt just out of reach. Sadly, for those who struggle with self-esteem and not feeling good enough, a new start is yet one more opportunity for a self-beat-up. Like a Sisyphean task, self-improvement can become a hill that only gets steeper and harder with time. Striving for better necessitates compulsive self-evaluation, which means you will inevitably fall short. It’s like experiencing a beautiful day and obsessing about whether the sun is bright enough or if there are rain clouds on the horizon; eventually, the sun looks muted, and you start …