All posts tagged: Play

What Can Play Therapy Offer Immigrant Children?

What Can Play Therapy Offer Immigrant Children?

A family carries luggage on a pink and green spiral background. Source: Designed by the author. Children in the U.S. who are immigrants or first-generation immigrants face specific challenges that can add stress to an already fraught socio-political climate. Due to political campaigns driving hate toward immigrants, children have to manage seeing their ethnic group bashed in the media. A play therapist can offer a space for children who are confused about a number of issues: the reasons they left their homes, the way things are in their new home, family secrets about being undocumented, many transitions and changes in their lives, and intergenerational assimilation challenges in families. Awareness of the variations in an immigrant’s experiences is the first step to being able to offer safe spaces for immigrant families in play therapy. Beyond anti-immigrant sentiments, the experience of immigration can have a lot of implications for different groups and identities. Immigrants move to a new country for an unnameable number of reasons, including new opportunities, to be closer to family, or to escape more …

AMD to acquire infrastructure player ZT Systems for .9B to amp up its AI ecosystem play

AMD to acquire infrastructure player ZT Systems for $4.9B to amp up its AI ecosystem play

AMD, the chipmaker hot on the heels of Nvidia, today announced a big acquisition to boost its position as an “ecosystem” partner for companies building big AI businesses: it is acquiring ZT Systems, which provides compute design and infrastructure for AI, cloud and general purpose computing, for $4.9 billion. The deal is a mix of cash and stock and includes a contingent payment of up to $400 million if certain performance metrics are met. The plan is to incorporate ZT Systems’ computing infrastructure design business. AMD said it will look to sell ZT Systems’ data center infrastructure manufacturing business to “a strategic partner.”  Based in New Jersey, ZT Systems has been privately-held since it was founded in 1994, and has disclosed only one external funding round — it raised $850 million in debt in 2023, according to PitchBook. It works closely with big chipmakers such as Nvidia and Intel across areas such as server solutions for storage, GPU/accelerators, high-performance computing, 5G, and edge computing. AMD said the deal will give it a deeper bench of …

Hear the Very First Adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984 in a Radio Play Starring David Niven (1949)

Hear the Very First Adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984 in a Radio Play Starring David Niven (1949)

Since George Orwell pub­lished his land­mark polit­i­cal fable 1984, each gen­er­a­tion has found ample rea­son to make ref­er­ence to the grim near-future envi­sioned by the nov­el. Whether Orwell had some prophet­ic vision or was sim­ply a very astute read­er of the insti­tu­tions of his day—all still with us in mutat­ed form—hardly mat­ters. His book set the tone for the next 70-plus years of dystopi­an fic­tion and film. Orwell’s own polit­i­cal activities—his stint as a colo­nial police­man or his denun­ci­a­tion of sev­er­al col­leagues and friends to British intel­li­gence—may ren­der him sus­pect in some quar­ters. But his night­mar­ish fic­tion­al pro­jec­tions of total­i­tar­i­an rule strike a nerve with near­ly every­one on the polit­i­cal spec­trum because, like the spec­u­la­tive future Aldous Hux­ley cre­at­ed, no one wants to live in such a world. Or at least no one will admit it if they do. Even the insti­tu­tions most like­ly to thrive in Orwell’s vision have co-opt­ed his work for their own pur­pos­es. The C.I.A. rewrote the ani­mat­ed film ver­sion of Ani­mal Farm. And if you’re of a cer­tain vin­tage, you’ll recall Apple’s appro­pri­a­tion …

Play Streets for Kids Are Magic—For Adults

Play Streets for Kids Are Magic—For Adults

This article was featured in the One Story to Read Today newsletter. Sign up for it here. In the summer of 2009, Amy Rose and Alice Ferguson, two mothers living on Greville Road in Bristol, a midsize city in southwest England, found themselves in a strange predicament: They saw entirely too much of their kids. “We were going, like, Why are they here?” Rose told me. “Why aren’t they outside?” The friends decided to run an experiment. They applied to shut their quarter-mile road to traffic for two hours after school on a June afternoon—not for a party or an event but just to let the children who lived there play. Intentionally, they didn’t prepare games or activities, Rose told me, as it would have defeated the purpose of the inquiry: “With time, space, and permission, what happens?” The results were breathtaking. The dozens of kids who showed up had no problem finding things to do. One little girl cycled up and down the street “3,000 times,” Rose recalled. “She was totally blissed out.” Suddenly, …

Google Play adds Cash App Pay to woo Gen Z gamers

Google Play adds Cash App Pay to woo Gen Z gamers

GamesBeat is excited to partner with Lil Snack to have customized games just for our audience! We know as gamers ourselves, this is an exciting way to engage through play with the GamesBeat content you have already come to love. Start playing games here.  Payments platform Cash App has launched an integration with Google Play, giving Android users more choices at checkout. Consumers can use Cash App Pay to purchase the millions of apps, games, music, movies, books and more available on Google Play. “We’re continuously expanding payment options on Google Play, and adding Cash App Pay is a significant step in giving users more choice and convenience while meeting their evolving payment preferences,” said Pete Albers, director, Google Play retail & payments activation. According to the release, this initiative is aimed at appealing to younger users, particularly gamers. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that consumers spend $3 trillion annually outside of the traditional financial system. To date, Cash App Pay has grown to 4 million monthly active users over the last year. “Next gen shoppers are …

Too famous to play football? Ronaldo has outgrown the sport that made him | Euro 2024

Too famous to play football? Ronaldo has outgrown the sport that made him | Euro 2024

There was something disconcerting about the man being grabbed and jostled and hauled away by security guards on the concrete causeway below the executive boxes half an hour after full-time at BVB Stadion Dortmund on Saturday night. For one thing the man seemed unusually well groomed, brilliantly ear-ringed, dressed in full shiny Portugal tracksuit. He was also beaming relentlessly, shouting things such as “Big Love” and “Say Hi to Georgina”, doing the heart gesture with this hands even as three men in hi-vis jackets grabbed him by the elbows. Could he be a player? A stray squad member? Looking closer there was something a touch inauthentic and weak-chinned about his take on the handsome cool young footballer look, the muscle definition not quite there, jewellery not credible. The whole tableau was being watched by its own dedicated group of spectators. Who is he, we asked. The spectators shrugged. He’s Cristiano Ronaldo. What the stadium security guards were grappling with in that moment was a deeply post-modern event. Here we had a Cristiano Ronaldo lookalike, or …

Vladimir Putin And Kim Jong Un’s Peculiar Power Play Moment

Vladimir Putin And Kim Jong Un’s Peculiar Power Play Moment

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un could not decide who to let get into their shared car first when they met last night. As a clip from Russian state outlet Sputnik revealed, the Russian president and North Korea’s supreme leader were walking together down the airport’s red carpet – rolled out for Putin’s state arrival last night – when they suddenly reached an impasse at the vehicle. As someone opened the door for the two authoritarian leaders, Kim raised his hand, gesturing for Putin to enter. But the Russian president refused to look like the weaker one and mimicked the action, suggesting Kim should go first. Then they both raised their hands at the same moment, and their aides looked on in bewilderment. After 10 drawn out seconds, Putin smiled, and seemed to be persuaded to get in while the North Korean dictator walked around to the other side of the car. According to the Korean Central News Agency, this overly-polite start did not cause any awkwardness later on – in fact, they went on …

On These Magic Shores: exploring spaces for children’s play – in pictures | Environment

On These Magic Shores: exploring spaces for children’s play – in pictures | Environment

The photographer Tamsyn Warde explores spaces in which children play in Hampshire, UK, examining how and where they play and where play belongs in their lives. Spontaneous play is child-led and sparked by their own imaginations and interests – and this kind of play evolves naturally when children have the opportunity, requiring time that is not dictated by an adult timetable, and freedom of an appropriate space close to home Source link

Children facing a ‘brutal’ loss of time and space for play at state schools | Access to green space

Children facing a ‘brutal’ loss of time and space for play at state schools | Access to green space

Children are facing a “brutal” loss of space and time for play in school, teachers, unions and academics have warned. A combination of factors is eating into the time children spend outside, and will have serious implications for their wellbeing and mental health. A Guardian analysis of the space available to state school children in England has revealed that thousands are attending schools with very little outside space, with government data showing that more than 300 schools have under 1,000 sq metres and at least 20 have no outside space. In nearly 1,000 schools, there is under 10 sq metres for each pupil. New and unpublished research from the UCL Institute of Education seen by the Guardian showed a continued downward trend in the amount of time children have for playtime in the wake of the Covid lockdowns, with the youngest losing the most time. The demands of the curriculum have increased, and continue to diminish time outside, while staffing shortages are reducing capacity to oversee playtime. Across England and Wales schools face difficult financial …