The Real-Life Diet of Adam Devine, Who Wants to Look Like a 50-Year-Old Pilates Mom
Before, I’d be like, “I worked out all week. I can party all weekend and have 15 beers, nachos, pizza.” Then you’ve kind of blown your whole week. You can still do that now. But if you track it, you know you had a couple pieces of pizza; don’t have six pieces of pizza and five beers. You can have two pieces of pizza, two beers, and call it a day. This is something that I think a lot of young men need to hear. There’s a pervasive thought out there that as long as you’re working out, you can kind of eat whatever. You can, to an extent. There’s just different seasons of life. Sometimes you’re like, “You know what? I’m going to care less for the next few months. I’m on vacation. I’m in Italy. I have to live my life!” That’s how I felt when my wife was pregnant. I kept joking that my goal was to be bigger than she was, and I succeeded. Did I win the race? Yeah, I …