All posts tagged: picture

What we saw on Inauguration Day : The Picture Show : NPR

What we saw on Inauguration Day : The Picture Show : NPR

A young Donald Trump supporter dresses up as the president on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, — the day of his second inauguration — in Washington D.C. Brian Munoz/St. Louis Public Radio/NPR hide caption toggle caption Brian Munoz/St. Louis Public Radio/NPR On the day of President Donald Trump’s second inauguration, thousands of supporters – many of whom traveled from all over the country – gathered in Washington, D.C. Due to frigid temperatures, the official ceremony took place inside the U.S. Capitol. But that didn’t stop people from celebrating outside. Take a look at what our photographers captured. Amy Long, from North Carolina, during President Donald Trump’s second inauguration on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, in Washington D.C. Brian Munoz/St. Louis Public Radio/NPR hide caption toggle caption Brian Munoz/St. Louis Public Radio/NPR Thousands line up to enter the Capital One Arena to attend the Trump inauguration watch party. Tyrone Turner/WAMU hide caption toggle caption Tyrone Turner/WAMU Police and other security were out in force downtown near the Capital One Arena. Tyrone Turner/WAMU hide caption toggle caption Tyrone Turner/WAMU Brandon …

John Coltrane Draws a Picture Illustrating the Mathematics of Music

John Coltrane Draws a Picture Illustrating the Mathematics of Music

Physi­cist and sax­o­phon­ist Stephon Alexan­der has argued in his many pub­lic lec­tures and his book The Jazz of Physics that Albert Ein­stein and John Coltrane had quite a lot in com­mon. Alexan­der in par­tic­u­lar draws our atten­tion to the so-called “Coltrane cir­cle,” which resem­bles what any musi­cian will rec­og­nize as the “Cir­cle of Fifths,” but incor­po­rates Coltrane’s own inno­va­tions. Coltrane gave the draw­ing to sax­o­phon­ist and pro­fes­sor Yusef Lateef in 1967, who includ­ed it in his sem­i­nal text, Repos­i­to­ry of Scales and Melod­ic Pat­terns. Where Lateef, as he writes in his auto­bi­og­ra­phy, sees Coltrane’s music as a “spir­i­tu­al jour­ney” that “embraced the con­cerns of a rich tra­di­tion of auto­phys­iopsy­chic music,” Alexan­der sees “the same geo­met­ric prin­ci­ple that moti­vat­ed Einstein’s” quan­tum the­o­ry. Nei­ther descrip­tion seems out of place. Musi­cian and blog­ger Roel Hol­lan­der notes, “Thelo­nious Monk once said ‘All musi­cians are sub­con­scious­ly math­e­mati­cians.’ Musi­cians like John Coltrane though have been very much aware of the math­e­mat­ics of music and con­scious­ly applied it to his works.” Coltrane was also very much aware of Einstein’s work and liked to talk …

Most comprehensive picture yet of how organs age at different rates

Most comprehensive picture yet of how organs age at different rates

Someone’s kidneys could be a decade older, biologically, than their brain Christian Kitzmuller/Alamy Our organs appear to age at different rates, with our lungs and kidneys going through a burst of ageing in our 20s, decades before others, such as the uterus. Better understanding how organ ageing varies could help people adopt healthy habits that may be particularly beneficial at certain periods of life. This isn’t the first time variation in organ ageing has been suggested. In 2022, researchers at the National University of Singapore made a similar finding based on protein molecules in blood. Source link

Royal news live: Unseen Meghan Markle picture sparks debate as King Charles enjoys ‘holistic’ Indian Spa break

Royal news live: Unseen Meghan Markle picture sparks debate as King Charles enjoys ‘holistic’ Indian Spa break

King Charles heckled by Australian senator: ‘Give us our land back’ Get the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email An unseen photograph of Meghan Markle has been shared by former Suits co-star Patrick J Adams, triggering a debate on social media on whether she’ll join a mini reunion of the show’s actors. Adams and Markle played an on-screen couple Mike Ross and Rachel Zane in the legal drama series – and had a strong friendship away from the cameras with Adams invited to the Sussexes’ royal wedding in 2018. Now, Adams has posted 10 behind-the-scenes Suits images on Instagram, including a black and white image of Meghan. Fans began asking Adams on social media to invite Meghan, who quit Suits ahead of marrying Prince Harry, to the reunion. It comes as King Charles enjoyed an Indian spa break while on his way home from his tour of Australia and Samoa. The King, who is receiving treatment in his battle with cancer, …

Liam Payne: Grief as picture begins to emerge of singer’s final hours | Ents & Arts News

Liam Payne: Grief as picture begins to emerge of singer’s final hours | Ents & Arts News

The third floor room at the Casa Sur hotel where Liam Payne was staying is now sealed off with police tape. Hotel guests walk up and down the corridor but a police officer is on guard to ensure nobody interferes with what is still the scene of an active investigation. How and why did the One Direction star plummet to his death from the balcony of this room and was there any third-party involvement? A 911 emergency call has already been leaked in which a hotel worker expresses concern for a guest who he believes to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. It is part of a stark picture emerging of the 31-year-old’s final hours. Image: Fans of Payne mourn his death in Argentina. Pic: AP Read more: Former One Direction star Harry Styles pays tribute to Liam PayneLiam Payne’s close friend reveals final messages to her Sky News has seen police images from inside the room which authorities say was completely trashed. The pictures show a TV screen smashed, unknown white substances …

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Is Now a Retro Video Game

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Is Now a Retro Video Game

The Rocky Hor­ror Pic­ture Show–it start­ed first as a musi­cal stage pro­duc­tion in 1973, then became a cult clas­sic film in 1975. Now, a half-cen­tu­ry lat­er, it gets reborn as a retro video game. Sched­uled to be released by Hal­loween, the game fea­tures “8‑bit chip­tune ren­di­tions of Rocky Hor­ror’s leg­endary songs,” includ­ing the “Time Warp” of course. Accord­ing to The Wrap, it also boasts “8‑bit-styled graph­ics bring­ing the show’s sets and char­ac­ters to life, com­bin­ing ’80s nos­tal­gia with the show’s ’70s retro vibes.” The game will be avail­able for Sony Playsta­tion, Xbox, Nin­ten­do Switch and Steam. Enjoy. via The Wrap Relat­ed Con­tent How Rocky Hor­ror Became a Cult Phe­nom­e­non 1978 News Report on the Rocky Hor­ror Craze Cap­tures a Teenage Michael Stipe in Drag Rare Inter­view: Tim Cur­ry Dis­cuss­es The Rocky Hor­ror Pic­ture Show, Dur­ing the Week of Its Release (1975) Source link

8 Picture Books About Friendship To Warm Your Heart

8 Picture Books About Friendship To Warm Your Heart

Cat Chat, Puppy Talk, and A World of Dogs will help young pet owners get acquainted with their new furry family members. For fans of fantasy and RPGs, Dungeon Runners: Hero Trial is the first book in a new series full of action-packed fun. Readers in search of a more tranquil escape will enjoy the timeless tale of Anne of Green Gables, the newest in our Nosy Crow Classics series. And for our smallest readers, there are new books in the Make Tracks series, exciting adventures with Suki Cat, and so much more. This Cozy Crow Season, enjoy a whole shelf of new books for young readers! Anais Nin wrote, “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” I hold very close to my heart each friend I have and the world they have opened up inside me. I carry with me the world they’ve created even when they’re not around. But this world is …

more young people are studying languages – but the overall picture for language learning remains bleak

more young people are studying languages – but the overall picture for language learning remains bleak

The 2024 GCSE results reveal that more young people in schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are opting to study a language. French and Spanish remain the most popular languages, with increases of 2.9% and 6.2% from last year respectively. German, once in steady decline, has gone up by 3.5% compared to last year, but has still seen fewer entries than in 2022. Meanwhile, only 16,429 students took a GCSE in a classical subject – which includes Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew and Latin. The most significant surges in interest have been for Irish (a 14.8% rise) and what is referred to as “other modern languages” (8.1%). This relates to all modern languages except French, German, Irish, Spanish and Welsh. It includes non-European languages such as Mandarin and Arabic as well as some common home and community languages, such as Polish, Portuguese and Urdu. Students at City Heights Academy in London celebrate after receiving their GCSE results. PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo However, while these modest gains are encouraging, they need to be interpreted …

The big picture: a pileup of pugs | Photography

The big picture: a pileup of pugs | Photography

Neal Slavin took this picture of pugs and their owners in 2005 for an advertising campaign. The Brooklyn-born Slavin was by then a master of the group portrait. His book When Two Or More Are Gathered Together first came out in 1974 and featured bodybuilders and gravediggers, hotdog vendors and firefighters, a unique collective portrait of Americans (which he followed up with Britons a few years later). His vocation came to him, he says, when he was looking through some family portraits and came across a picture of a scout troop. “Some were laughing, some clowning, some gazing solemnly into the camera lens, but all exuded an extraordinary humanness, a unique individuality. I wondered about each boy, about what happened after that photo was taken.” Slavin is now 83. An updated 50th anniversary edition of When Two Or More… will be published later this year. Speaking to me recently from New York, he described how he liked his groups to find their own composition. “People assume I arrange everyone and get back to my camera,” …

The big picture: precarious lives and playfulness in a London square | Photography

The big picture: precarious lives and playfulness in a London square | Photography

This picture is the cover image of Dominoes, a new photobook by Roland Ramanan that tells the story of a unique public space in east London, Gillett Square. The square was opened in Hackney, in one of the most deprived wards in the UK, by London mayor Ken Livingstone in 2006, on a site that was previously a car park. Neighbouring derelict factory premises were redeveloped by a local co-operative as a culture centre, and a series of small business units were created around the new space. The ambition was to establish a communal area “with the potential to become something specific – or remain not really anything at all… a place to see, hear, feel, smell, taste and discover wonderful and incredible things”. Since 2012, Ramanan has been documenting how those civic hopes and ambitions turned out. He has watched as life of that square became “an ecosystem in which skateboarders, parents, children, hula-hoopers, domino players, DJs, drinkers and addicts all intermingle”. His book is a microcosm of urban life through the years of …