All posts tagged: mindset

How Your Mindset Shapes Your Weight Loss Journey

How Your Mindset Shapes Your Weight Loss Journey

The following post is first authored by Sydney Earl. Earl is a research consultant on healthy weight management and behavior change in the digital health industry and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Applied Social Psychology at North Carolina State University. When it comes to weight loss and body image, we’re bombarded with advice—whether it’s the latest trending diet, a new high-intensity workout challenge, wearable fitness trackers, or apps promising to shed pounds effortlessly. But what if the key to lasting change lies not in what we do, but in how we think? Recent research sheds light on how our mindsets—specifically, our beliefs about whether or not we can change our weight—can profoundly impact our health behaviors, weight loss success, and even protect against the damaging effects of body shame or weight stigma. The Power of a Growth Mindset Mindsets are a lens through which we see ourselves and the world around us. These mindsets fall along a continuum. A fixed mindset indicates a belief that traits, abilities, and conditions can’t be changed. For …

‘A colonial mindset’: why global aid agencies need to get out of the way | Global development

‘A colonial mindset’: why global aid agencies need to get out of the way | Global development

Before civil war engulfed her Ethiopian home region of Tigray in 2020, Tsega Girma was a prosperous trader who sold stationery and other goods. But when hungry children displaced by the conflict started appearing in the streets, she sold everything and used the proceeds to buy them food. After that money dried up, Tsega appealed to Tigray’s diaspora for donations. At the height of the war, her Emahoy Tsega Girma Charity Foundation provided meals to 24,000 children a day. Today, more than a year after the conflict ended, it still feeds 5,000 children who cannot return home because of lingering insecurity. All the food is bought locally and prepared by volunteers in the grounds of a disused library. “It is emergency work,” Tsega says. “We are doing this simply to keep them alive.” They believe they can just walk in and solve the problem if they have enough money – but that’s not how you create change Kennedy Odede Charities such as Tsega’s, set up by individuals to help their own communities, are the oldest …

Can I get a little more eco-friendly every day? Four tips for a greener mindset | Well actually

Can I get a little more eco-friendly every day? Four tips for a greener mindset | Well actually

When it comes to climate change, I, like many others, often wonder: does it matter if we adjust our individual behaviors to be more sustainable, or are these efforts insignificant? Many experts argue that focusing too granularly on individual responsibility can shift the burden from destructive industry and policy on to regular folk. Eventually, we can burn out on the endless micro-responsibilities and not have juice for the big stuff. Yet, according to career environmentalist Heather White, author of the recent 60 Days to a Greener Life: Ease Eco-anxiety Through Joyful Daily Action, “Individual action drives culture change, and without culture change, global policies and market solutions will not work.” Political actions like voting are crucial, but developing a daily practice of sustainability can help ease your anxiety about the future, says White on a call from her home in Montana. The book comprises 60 short essays on ways to make life greener, each with activities and journaling prompts designed to help us think about our personal legacy and visualize a good future despite feelings …

Range anxiety defeated with change in refuelling mindset

Range anxiety defeated with change in refuelling mindset

Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Delaware have found that a change in refuelling mindset, rather than a change in battery size or performance, could be the key to tackling range anxiety. The shift from filling up at a petrol station to recharging your EV in a convenient location requires a new perspective on refuelling. Despite this, new EV drivers often remain in their old mindsets, constantly checking the gauge and planning for the next chargepoint. This can lead to range anxiety. Three types of refuelling behaviours In a recently published paper, researchers have now identified three different types of behaviour around refuelling a car. They are: The monitor fuel gauge model: The driver refuels when the fuel is running out The planning a trip model: The driver plans when and where they will stop to refuel their vehicle along a journey The event-triggered model: The driver automatically plugs in as soon as arriving at home or work The first model represents the traditional refuelling perspective of a petrol or diesel …

Puppy Chaos to Peace: Mastering Mindset by Reframing

Puppy Chaos to Peace: Mastering Mindset by Reframing

My husband and I recently adopted a sweet and timid 5-month-old puppy from the local animal shelter, who we named Bambi. When we first brought him home, he was terrified of everything and relied on our older dog, Derby, for guidance for weeks. He would only eat if Derby was nearby, would only get into the car if she jumped in first, and would only play with toys that she showed interest in. On walks, he stayed on our heels with his tail between his legs, never sniffing or even looking around. Fast-forward to now—almost six months since that first day when he was so scared we couldn’t get him out of the car—and I’m currently watching him do full laps around the living room while trying to pull every pillow, blanket, cushion, and dog toy into his theatrics. He still has a lot of confidence to build out in the world, but in the safety of our home, he’s the most confident (and energetic) dog in the world. As of this writing, Bambi has …

10 Tiny Tricks That Will Give You A Healthier Mindset Than 99% Of People

10 Tiny Tricks That Will Give You A Healthier Mindset Than 99% Of People

I’m sure you’ve seen and heard hundreds of videos from strength gurus that shout at you to push harder, to cross your limits, and then some. There is a fine line between a toxic masculinity movement that gained traction lately, and the concept of self-improvement and striving for greatness and resilience. Everyone should push themselves to be better! The work that never ends is the work you do on yourself! If you want to be better than 99% of people, you need to do this work! However, that doesn’t mean breaking your body or your mind! So let me set the ground here, and guide you through how you can have a better mindset than 99% of people while taking care of yourself! Let’s join the self-improvement and self-care concepts into ten easy steps to achieve mental fortitude and improve your life! Here are 10 tiny tricks that will give you a healthier mindset than most people: 1. Practice gratitude There is a conflicting theory here that if you are grateful for the current state of your life, you can’t also …

10 Tiny Habits That Make You Immune From Disrespect

10 Tiny Habits That Make You Immune From Disrespect

I grew up learning to deal with the sting of disrespect from others. I believed I was the kind of person for whom disrespect was a part of life. Then, I learned about human behavior and found I could adapt my behavior to encourage deeper self-respect, diminishing the lack of respect I received from others. Here are some little shifts in behavior that work: Here are 10 tiny habits that make you immune from disrespect: 1. Developing consistency in something that matters It’s so easy to allow the modern world and all its variety to pull you in new directions continually. Unfortunately, beyond brushing your teeth every day, this means we don’t allow worthy actions to grow. Find something to be consistent in that sits at the heart of your work. For me, it’s writing. Your confidence will grow wings on the back of consistency. 2. Having a strong posture Sit up a fraction. Walk like the King of England just said you have something special about you. Do this even if you feel nervous worms wriggling …

The Honest Reason So Many Brilliant, Talented People Keep Getting Fired — According To A CEO

The Honest Reason So Many Brilliant, Talented People Keep Getting Fired — According To A CEO

In the working world, there are plenty of hard-working folks who keep losing their jobs, despite being really good at what they do. Surprising, right? To CEOs and other bosses, it’s not much of a surprise.  It may be easy to attribute such occurrences to external factors or workplace politics, but the truth, as shared by seasoned CEO Sabrina Lloyd, may be a bitter pill to swallow. RELATED: 10 Signs You Or Someone You Know Has A Victim Mentality CEO Sabrina Lloyd Explains Why Mindset Is Often More Important Than Talent  It’s a common misconception that the world is divided into winners and losers, with success solely determined by external factors like luck and access.  However, Lloyd believes it’s not just about what happens outside, but it’s more about how these people see themselves. On the YourTango Podcast “Open Relationships: Transforming Together“, Sabrina Lloyd, author of the book Stand Alone: How To Be An Extraordinary Leader, shared her view on instances of promising individuals falling short of their potential saying they often tend to see themselves as a victim rather …

Man Explains Why He Turned Down A Quarter Of A Million Dollars To Vacate His Apartment

Man Explains Why He Turned Down A Quarter Of A Million Dollars To Vacate His Apartment

When it comes to money, most of us want as much of it as possible, as soon as possible. But Evan Rugen on TikTok recently gave a perfect illustration of why this isn’t always the best idea when we’re lucky enough to have money fall into our laps. Rugen turned down a quarter of a million dollars to vacate his apartment.  If you’re anything like me, that sounds utterly and completely insane — not just the decision, but the offer itself. If you also think this sounds like something that could only happen in New York City’s unhinged rental real estate market, you would be correct! But for Rugen, a finance and credit expert, the decision was a no-brainer — after he did some analysis and a bit of math, that is. RELATED: Man Claims Living In An All-Inclusive Resort Is Cheaper Than Paying Monthly Rent It all began when Rugen realized his apartment was rent stabilized but he was paying the regular rental market price. Seven years ago, Rugen moved into his New York City apartment for …

Make Up Your Mind: Benefits of a Growth Mindset

Make Up Your Mind: Benefits of a Growth Mindset

By co-author Carmen Latterell, P.HD. Psychologists distinguish between “fixed” and “growth” mindsets. As the terms imply, having a fixed mindset means innate and immutable, such that a person with a fixed mindset believes their abilities are what they are, with no opportunity for change. On the other hand, a growth mindset acknowledges flexibility and mutability, such that the person believes abilities can be further developed. Attributional (Explanatory) Styles A useful framework for understanding fixed mindsets is Martin Seligman’s description of the pessimistic attributional style, characterized by the individual viewing a negative outcome as internal, unchanging, and global. For example: “I lost the race because I am a bad runner, will always lose my races, and will also do poorly in other activities.” If this individual had won the race, the explanation would be: “I won the race because there wasn’t much competition, will probably not win another one, and will only do well in other activities if I get lucky.” Fortunately, Seligman also describes the optimistic attributional style. In the context of the example of …