Things Millennials Learned From Boomers That They Secretly Appreciate
Every generation is influenced by the one that came before them. We establish perspectives and values that draw on what we’ve learned from the past, deciding what we want to release and what we want to hold onto. While younger generations tend to drag boomers for being out of touch, there are several things millennials learned from boomers that they secretly appreciate. The cultural conversation focuses more on the distance between millennials and the boomers they were raised by than on what they have in common. While millennials have paved their way in the world by doing things differently than their parents, they owe pivotal parts of their identity to what boomers taught them. Here are 12 things millennials learned from boomers that they secretly appreciate: 1.Embracing a strong work ethic. Prostock-studio | Shutterstock One thing millennials learned from boomers that they secretly appreciate is their dedicated work ethic. Millennials entered the workforce as the Great Recession took hold from 2007 to 2009, the most prolonged recession since World War II. During that era of …