New finance leasing rules put renewables back on the table
More from this theme Recent articles The Academy Trust Handbook 2024 is making it easier for trusts to borrow money for investments that support renewable activity or energy efficiency. This is welcome, but there are risks. This year, the rules on when finance leases need to be approved by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) have been relaxed so prior approval is not required for leases related to LED lighting systems or “to support renewable activity”. This is a positive step forward that will help schools achieve their sustainability goals and save costs, even as they wait for further details to be released. However, just because schools can borrow money doesn’t mean they necessarily should. Schools must ensure their deals maintain the principles of value for money, regularity and propriety. This deregulation could be allowing trusts to take on financial commitments they are unprepared for, which can end with unforeseen costs. It is not always obvious whether an arrangement is an operating or a finance lease. Both involve a lessee/school paying to use something …