Psychology Reveals 8 Odd Behaviors Often Linked To Hidden Depression
When you have a cold or flu, the symptoms are obvious: Coughing, sneezing, congestion, and a general hatred of the universe. Symptoms and signs of hidden depression, on the other hand, aren’t as clear as rom-coms and made-for-TV movies make them out to be. Intense sadness and hopelessness are only some of the behaviors — not only can depressive symptoms range from mild to severe, but they can also disguise themselves as everyday habits and emotions you wouldn’t necessarily equate with being depressed. Here are odd behaviors often linked to hidden depression: 1. You keep yourself excessively busy Yuri A / Shutterstock Sure, we all have hectic schedules, but someone with depression might use being perma-busy as a way to steer clear of their feelings. One study found that workaholism frequently co-occurs with psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety. “Keeping busy might be a way for them to ignore or avoid the painful issues that may be contributing to or triggering their depression,” says SooMi Lee-Samuel, M.D., medical director at Timberline Knolls, a residential treatment center …