All posts tagged: cheating

Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Cheat, Ranked

Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Cheat, Ranked

[ad_1] First things first: while the zodiac signs most likely to cheat may have traits that make them more prone to straying, that doesn’t mean they’re going to. Cheating is ultimately a choice, one that some people make regardless of their zodiac sign, so it’s important not to judge anyone based on their zodiac sign alone.  That said, people cheat for a variety of reasons — unhappiness in the relationship, seeking out new experiences, having insecurity issues, wanting revenge or falling out of love. To prepare or the real possibility that this could happen in your own relationship, it’s important to learn the common red flags that someone is likely to be a cheater ahead of time. And one of the telltale signs that someone is likely to cheat might be their zodiac sign. Which zodiac sign is most likely to cheat? The results of a study found Libra, Gemini and Capricorn to be the zodiac signs most likely to cheat in relationships, while Scorpio proved to be the most faithful. Now, not everyone who …

So THAT’s How Cheating Is Prevented During Phone A Friend On Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

So THAT’s How Cheating Is Prevented During Phone A Friend On Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

[ad_1] I feel safe admitting it here because there’s no way I am knowledgeable enough to actually go on a gameshow: I 100% would expect my phone-a-friend on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire to Google for me. I mean, of course they would, right? I’m calling them with 30 seconds to come up with an answer that could win me a silly amount of money. Even if they were 100% confident in their answer, they could just have a quick check to make sure they’re absolutely right, surely? Well, these days, it’s not possible. As much as I was low-key impressed by the Charles Ingram ‘coughing’ scandal that happened almost 25 years ago, such a thing isn’t really possible these days. How cheating is preventing during phone-a-friend With advancements in technology and search engines, the production team on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire knew that measures had to be put in place to prevent cheating being done by the people on the other end of these mid-show phone calls. According to Broadcast: “A …

China’s cheating threatens to wreck Paris Olympics, US anti-drugs chief says – POLITICO

China’s cheating threatens to wreck Paris Olympics, US anti-drugs chief says – POLITICO

[ad_1] National anti-doping regulators such as CHINADA are supposed to closely monitor athletes in competition and training for evidence of illegal drug-taking, while WADA — which is funded by the Olympic Movement and national governments — coordinates anti-doping rules across the world.   “The Chinese aren’t being held to those same standards by their own national anti-doping agency and then the World Anti-Doping Agency, that is supposed to be the great equalizer and ensure the rules are enforced fairly around the world, is OK with the Chinese not following the rules and effectively swept it under the carpet,” Tygart said. CHINADA did not respond to a request for comment. In a statement, a WADA spokesperson said: “Allegations of pro-China bias and cover-up on the part of WADA have lacked any evidence from the beginning and WADA’s explanations demonstrate that they are simply wrong. Only a few individuals, with their own agenda, continue to cling to those defamatory claims.” The prospect of China cheating unhindered through the Paris Olympics is another sensitive subject for Macron and …

Why You Were Born To Cheat On The Person You Love (Yes, Really)

Why You Were Born To Cheat On The Person You Love (Yes, Really)

[ad_1] If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that cheating on your partner is just plain wrong, right? Those of us who have been on the receiving end of betrayal know how incredibly gut-wrenching and downright devastating it is. Just raise the topic in a crowded room and watch how quickly people spout off about how infidelity is immoral, cruel, and unforgivable. Not only have I been cheated on, but many of my dear friends (both men and women) have had their hearts and marriages shattered by a cheating partner.  On the other hand, I also know just as many people who are the ones guilty of doing the cheating. In every single case, the act ultimately caused nothing but pain and misery for all parties involved. Even the ones who strayed admitted their regret over cheating and quickly realized that the “perks” were little more than fleeting illusions that left them feeling empty and worse about themselves than ever before. And yet, so many people still do it. The question is why? Why do people cheat? We’re all pretty tired of hearing the …

The Truest, Most Heart-Breaking Reason People Cheat

The Truest, Most Heart-Breaking Reason People Cheat

[ad_1] Being cheated on can feel like a sharp blow to the heart. And the betrayal of being blinded by cheating can be overwhelming and infuriating for anyone who’s been through it. Then there’s the even bigger question that needs to be addressed: why did they cheat in the first place? Was it something you did, or is there more to it? Psychotherapist Esther Perel dives into the main reasons people cheat on their partners. The Most Heart-Breaking Reason People Cheat People cheat for a lot of reasons, but the main one often boils down to something more internal. Perel puts it like this, “Either there’s something missing in our relationship or there’s something missing in you.” Cheaters don’t cheat for the fun of it or because of sexual reasons. Most people cheat because they feel like something is missing. When cheaters get into a relationship they often feel tied down. Cheaters often feel like they’re losing a part of themselves, so they cheat to try to regain their sense of identity. They don’t want …

8 Fundamental Ways Being Cheated On Changes You | Karen Finn

8 Fundamental Ways Being Cheated On Changes You | Karen Finn

[ad_1] Catching your husband or wife cheating on you changes everything about your relationship. How could it not? As Jay Kent-Ferraro, Ph.D./MBA, explains: “The psychology of infidelity is quite complex, much more than the current moralistic conversation about it where people are ‘good’, ‘bad’ or ‘flawed’, therefore dismissed as damaged goods attempts to dispel the cliché myth that ‘once a cheater always a cheater.’” If you want to fix your broken relationship and save your marriage, it is possible. The path back to a healthy relationship begins with each partner seeking to understand both the cheating spouse’s reasons for having an affair, as well as how the betrayed husband or wife has been changed forever as a result. By taking such an approach, couples can reach a place of healing — and even redemption — with insight and wisdom, regardless of whether or not they ultimately stay together. The ways infidelity changes you depend not only on who you and your spouse were before the affair, but who you are both committed to becoming once …

The stress of cheating on my wife is making me ill – but I can no longer suppress who I am | Life and style

The stress of cheating on my wife is making me ill – but I can no longer suppress who I am | Life and style

[ad_1] I’m a 41-year-old man and I have been married to my wife for 10 years. I have always been bisexual, but because I wanted a family (we have two young children) I turned a blind eye to my gay side. I thought I could keep it up for ever, but after hiding it for so long I developed insomnia and other ailments. A year ago I decided to explore my sexuality. After a few meet ups with random men, I met a man who is 20 years my senior and quickly fell in love. I am now in a loving sexual relationship with him. I feel so much more sexually confident and have a happiness I’ve never felt before. However I’m beginning to suffer from gastrointestinal problems due to the stress of cheating on my wife and being disloyal to my kids. The insomnia has got worse and I have begun to use alcohol to get to sleep. I love my wife dearly, but my attraction to her fizzled out soon after our second …

My Boyfriend Got Married Behind My Back But I Still Stayed With Him

My Boyfriend Got Married Behind My Back But I Still Stayed With Him

[ad_1] I don’t have the world’s best track record with men; I’ll be the first to admit that. After years of experience, I’ve gotten better at recognizing red flags. Mostly, that’s true. Gone are the days I ignore the signs of abuse on the horizon, thankfully. Apparently, that wasn’t the case with infidelity. No one enjoys being cheated on, I imagine. It’s doubtful you wake up in the morning thinking, “I hope my partner sneaks around on me today with someone else.” By the same standard, I don’t believe most people actively desire to be the person sneaking around with married or otherwise engaged people. I’m sure there are exceptions to that, seeing the number of folks actively engaging in infidelity. But for me, it’s never been my thing. I’ve been cheated on in the past; I never wanted to be the other woman. When W and I first met, I’d been separated from my husband for six months. I was looking for a long-term relationship, but not in any big hurry for it to …

The 6 Hottest Ways To Prevent Cheating

The 6 Hottest Ways To Prevent Cheating

[ad_1] As we know, affairs are truly a symptom of an unhealthy and unfulfilled marriage. One way to help inoculate your marriage against affairs is to keep your love life and physical intimacy a priority. For some couples, intimacy is not even on the list after having kids. Dr. Michelle Golland says, “I was not surprised by the Newsweek article that reported that 15 to 20 percent of us are in “intimacy-less” marriages. The article defined this as couples being intimate less than once a month, or on average, 10 times a year. In my therapy practice, intimacy or lack thereof is often a big complaint. What I usually quickly discover is it is not about “intimacy,” but about the overall lack of physical connection a couple is experiencing. Intimacy with our partner quickly goes to the back burner when we feel overworked, overcommitted, and simply overwhelmed by familial life.” She shares the following tips to avoid the downfall of desire and help inoculate your marriage against infidelity. RELATED: Why Cheating Has Sadly Become Much More Common, According To Research Here are the 6 …

The Ultimate Infidelity Guide (And How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage) | Debra Macleod

The Ultimate Infidelity Guide (And How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage) | Debra Macleod

[ad_1] Much of the content in this article is taken from my book Marriage SOS: 30 Lifelines to Rescue Your Relationship in One Month. If you’re struggling with infidelity, this book can help you manage the initial “crisis period.” It also provides simple, straightforward, and ongoing support to rebuild trust, and your relationship, as the days and weeks go on. Whether it is a husband who finds a forbidden lover’s note tucked in his wife’s purse or a wife who discovers her husband has been paying another woman’s rent, it is a gut-wrenching, life-shattering experience to suddenly discover that a spouse has been unfaithful. It is equally devastating to hear a spouse confess to infidelity, even if the confession was done out of guilt and a sincere attempt to repair the marriage. Living in suspicion can be just as emotionally exhausting. Unfortunately, many spouses who suspect their partner of cheating are correct. Classic signs of a cheating spouse include spending more time at work, financial spending that cannot be accounted for, sudden self-improvement efforts (i.e. joining a gym, …