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Working Mom Says She Was Written Up For Using 3 Unplanned Sick Days In 6 Months

Working Mom Says She Was Written Up For Using 3 Unplanned Sick Days In 6 Months

A working mother named Jordan Fairchild tearfully admitted that it’s a struggle to balance a full-time job while caring for her children and being there as a parent.

In a TikTok video, Fairchild shared that she was reprimanded by the higher-ups at her job because of how many sick days she’d used in the last several months when she or her children were sick, despite having accrued the time off.

She was given a ‘verbal warning’ for using 3 ‘unplanned’ sick days in the last 6 months.

Fairchild explained that she just had her annual review at work, and while the review itself was fine, she got a verbal warning that she had to sign. The warning was because Fairchild had used three unplanned sick days over the past six months — two of them being because her children were sick and one because she was.

“They basically threw the book at me and said this is our attendance policy and because you had three unplanned absences, you have to sign this document,” Fairchild recalled. “I think this plays a bigger role for me, working in corporate America and having children, that I can’t even use my paid time off that I’ve accrued to be able to watch my children if they’re sick.”

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Unfortunately, Fairchild isn’t alone in feeling frustrated with the lack of understanding that exists in corporate America for working mothers.

Many of them feel as if they need to choose between a career and motherhood. According to the Pew Research Center’s 2020 survey, over a quarter of mothers with children younger than 18 at home said that the best work arrangement for them at that time would be not working for pay at all.

Compared to working fathers, mothers were more likely to admit to facing a variety of professional challenges.

For example, 54% of working moms said they felt like they could not “give 100%” at work because they were balancing work and parenting responsibilities, compared to 43% of working dads. More mothers also felt that they had to reduce their work hours because of parental responsibilities.


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