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We have other options – POLITICO

We have other options – POLITICO

4. BTW, we are still into this globalization thing.

At a time when Trump is touting trade tariffs and “America First,” von der Leyen’s speech seemed designed to send the opposite signal: We’re open to doing business with anyone. Von der Leyen addressed potential trading partners directly, saying: “If there are mutual benefits in sight, we are ready to engage with you.”

Indeed, a key message from the speech was that Europe wants to diversify its trading relationships away from America. 

While Trump is declaring an emergency on America’s southern border and gearing up for tariffs against Mexico, von der Leyen gave special mention to EU trade relations with Latin America.

At a time when Trump is touting trade tariffs and “America First,” von der Leyen’s speech seemed designed to send the opposite signal. | Morry Gash/AFP via Getty Images

And while acknowledging the economic threat from unfair Chinese trading practices, she also said Europe had to “engage constructively” with Beijing.

5. America? Who?

Tellingly, von der Leyen spoke about Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, China and India before her first mention of the United States.

Even then, von der Leyen signaled the EU will be ready to stand its ground in any impending standoff.

“We will be pragmatic, but we will always stand by our principles. We will protect our interests and uphold our values — because that is the European way.”

At the final reckoning, she hinted the EU might emerge from its old diplomatic comfort zones and find new friends: “We must look for new opportunities wherever they arise. This is the moment to engage beyond blocs and taboos. And Europe is ready for change.”

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