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The Holy Bible Feminine Translation Version II — Bias Free Scriptures

The Holy Bible Feminine Translation Version II — Bias Free Scriptures

Transform your Bible experience with a guided tour through both Old and New Testaments with 77 Jesus’ Witness Ciphers.

A new version Nov 2024 Expanded Edition II completes 77 Jesus’ Witness Ciphers with detail commentaries.

Transform your Bible experience with a guided tour through both Old and New Testaments with 77 Jesus’ Witness Ciphers.   

The FTV Bible is classified as a study Bible that reveals a timeless phenomenon for deciphering Bible text. It teaches one how to See and visually perceive Scripture through the Cross, which this FTV Bible requires 1,410 times with the word behold. This new vision generates a new and more complete understanding of Scripture with some unique results—the feminine attributes of God, and the consistency of salvation through the Discipline of the Cross.

The Feminine Translation Bible has a study section containing “Jesus’ Witness Cipher” that deciphers and translates Bible text. After reading 77 ciphers it proves to me that man did not write the Bible. Only God could have orchestrated this timeless phenomenon, even with 40 different human writers over 6000 human years. James Krustallos, Author of “Proof.”

“YHWH,” is the sacred 4-letter name for the God of Israel in Hebrew pronounced Yahweh, who introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus through the cross. YHWH is the divine foundation of the Discipline of the Cross written 6,876 times in this Bible. The Cross of YHWH consists of four Hebrew letters Yad, Hey, Waw, and Hey, and is known as the Tetragrammaton. The phrase, I-Am-YHWH-your God, forms a cross that is written in this Bible 47 times. The double word YHWH God appears 43 times in this Bible. (Cipher 11) And God said, YHWH: this is my name forever.

Historically, after the Babylonian Exile, the Jews stopped pronouncing the divine name YHWH, because they considered it too sacred to be spoken. They substituted the Hebrew title of Adonai meaning “My Lord” in the English side of their TANAKH. But the Jews did not change their sacred four-letter name for God in Hebrew. In this Bible God never explicitly commanded man not to speak His name in the Bible.

Consequently, a language bias was created in non-Hebrew language Bibles that concealed YHWH’s four attributes from eyesight, and prevented people from hearing YHWH vocalized. This language bias conflicts with Scripture, where the people of Israel must see with their eyes and hear with their ears to perceive and understand Scripture in order to be healed by God. (Isaiah 6:9-10) This language bias even conflicts with God’s Third Commandment.

If one is not a believer in the name of YHWH God, do not be troubled, since a wineskin size 3 will fit into an original, larger wineskin size 4 that includes the divinity of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Cipher 3, 63)

Instantly see how the Word of God and Jesus’ Witness Cipher are synonymous. See that both witness the light as will be seen below from the light of the feminine Holy Spirit. (Cipher 41)

The new Study Section removes feminine bias with explanations about the dual feminine natures of YHWH God.

Discover why the Holy Spirit is interpreted to be feminine in this Bible, because the Holy Spirit gender varies grammatically according to the language used. Since the word “Spirit” in the Semitic languages, such as Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac, is feminine, the Spirit in this holy Bible is interpreted to be feminine.

See how the Old Testament female dove received by the savior of mortal life, Noah, prophecies the New Testament Holy Spirit descended in a bodily form, as a dove, upon him. See how Jesus’ baptism begins a picture-story in the New Testament about a Holy Spirit Mother in bodily form as a dove. She is white, because She is the Light who God created in the beginning. She is spiritual light, because She was before the light of the sun, moon and stars in the Creation. She is Holy Spiritual Light, because God called Her good. She is the Holy Spirit of God with feminine wisdom explained in Proverbs 8. She is She, because She is the heavenly Mother of the Son of God.

“I have felt this in my soul for the longest time and couldn’t find anything to substantiate these very deep and intense feelings I have regarding the Holy Mother. Thank you for doing this, for providing all of these truths. I’ve never agreed with something so much to my very core as I have with this!!” Shannon

Transend into Her Light to See how the heavenly Most High Mother of the Son of God is also Mother of the Sons of the Light that unlocks the secret key to the predestined elect.

Instantly learn how the second rebirth in the spirit with the Holy Spirit is possible only with the feminine Holy Spirit Mother, since the gender of the spirit in the human is masculine, like the male ram in Abraham’s 666 covenant with God. (Cipher 5)

Learn how God prefers the second born, if even Isaac over Ishmael, Jacob over Esau, Joseph over Reuben and Ephraim over Manasseh, or even Enosh second born from Seth.

See how Jesus taught the Cipher of the Good Tree Mat 7:15-21 that the one with a first rebirth in water will call Jesus Lord, Lord. But the one with also a second rebirth in the ram’s male spirit with the Holy Spirit Mother of Light can yield a good tree (cross) with good fruit, and as a Son of Light, enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. (Ciphers 33, 34, 42)

Learn of the importance of Holy Spirit motherhood. To deny motherhood to the Most-High Holy Spirit of Light, heavenly Mother of the Son of God, could be considered blasphemy that is most likely to cause the wrath of God of both genders. (Cipher 75) Jesus spoke to his audiences in Aramaic, wherein the Spirit is feminine, when he proclaimed in four gospels that any blasphemy against the Holy Spirit would never be forgiven in this age or the next.

Read more about the feminine gender of the Holy Spirit in Sample Pages of the printed Bible subjects: About the Holy Spirit, Two Mothers, Lady Wisdom, Female Dove, The most High, Male and Female God, Mother of the Light, Second Born with the Holy Spirit, and Holy Spirit Blasphemy.

The Holy Bible Feminine Translation Version is the result of interpreting and translating the Bible through the Discipline of the Cross, which begins with the first verse in the Bible. In the beginning—God created—the heavens— and the earth. (Gen 1:1)

God is a God of “patterns”; they are a part of His signature for His creation…This book answers the question, what was God’s hidden “pattern” for His Son’s cross?…JW Farquhar meticulously uncovers, thus revealing God’s “Pattern-of-the-Cross”…James Krustallos, Author of “Proof Unveiled.”

Through the Discipline of the Cross see how the mother of all living humans (Gen 3:20) is also the mother of the elect: first Seth and then Enosh, who both appear in the beginning of Jesus genealogy, as well as all the elect Patriarchs that complete the genealogy.

See when Jesus returns in the clouds, how he calls the elect through the cross. (Cipher 36)

Learn also that All living humans are translated to be children of our Father God through His daughter Eve, the first mother on earth from whom we are all natural descendants on the foot of the Tree of All Living cross. (Cipher 3)

Behold the dimensioned Fullness of God’s Family and Form Cross—Daughter, Son, Mother, Father. (Cipher 62)

See the daughter as mother of all living flesh on the foot of the Cross of YHWH God of All Flesh. (Cipher 27)

Learn how baptism through the Discipline of the Cross is, rather than a partial verse, an authoritative Cross formed with the complete verse of Mat 28:19 with all nations on the foot.

See how the previous verse assigns Jesus’ authority, where all nations on the foot of the cross are replaced by each person’s name, one by one, that generates a personal cross that Jesus demands one to take up. It was not a suggestion. Otherwise, one would not be worthy of him, and one could not be his disciple. (Cipher 35)

See how to take up one’s personal cross daily with the Lord’s Prayer. (Cipher 32)

Behold a walking, talking formula—the ONLY path to salvation: (Cipher 48)
               A walking talking Cross, 1-2-3 plus four,
       said; I am—the way—the truth—and life evermore.
                  The only formula, for salvation to be,
       said; No one comes to the Father, except through me.

The Discipline of Bible Numbers: Numbers don’t lie because numbers cannot, especially the holy numbers of God.

JW Farquhar’s writings have been the catalyst to my spiritual journey to the truth, that awakened a love for math and numbers I never knew I had. I remember crying out to Father Mother God for truth because I kept seeing things in scripture that contradicted what I thought I knew. Michelle Donor author of “Pearls of Wisdom and Power”, Jan 2023, “The Blackness in Me: Poetic Lessons of Life” Barnes & Noble 2022, and “She Her Hers: Inspiration for the Enlightened Women’s Soul”, Amazon, Apr 2021.

See how Bible math through summation generates and validates the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the number of humankind, the number of YHWH, the number of Joseph, the number of the 11th day and even the number of fish caught in the net after Jesus told them where to drop it in Sample Pages.

Transform your Bible experience when you see how to transform your numbers from 666 to 777 that the numbers of science validate.

See how the Creation’s Cross numbered 77 77 77 77 begins the Bible, and repeats 15 times in the OT to prophesy the cross numbered 77 77 77 77 of Jesus Christ Genealogy that begins the New Testament.

See how Joseph’s spiritual Generations of 77 77 77 77 on the cross are Jesus’ Generations through his Genealogy Cross. (Cipher’s 7, 31) 

See the numbers 77 77 77 77 on the cross empower and validate the consistency of Israel’s holy rituals including the 40 years of manna in the wilderness at evening and morning, Sabbath Day and Continual lamb sacrifices, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, The Purification of the Leper, and the Red Heifer, and the annual rituals where all lead to and prophesy the same numbers on the cross of their Messiah.

See the revelation of God’s wrath expressed through 77 77 77 77 on the cross. (Cipher 75)

Behold Date 666, and the 6 men with slaughter weapons, and all those who are killed, and all those who are spared with the mark of the cross on their foreheads, and their entry into the Kingdom of God. (Cipher 77)

Take a free online tour of the Bible guided by Jesus’ Witness Cipher and then with the biblical number 40 of fulfillment……

Buy the paperback Holy Bible Feminine Translation Version


JW Farquhar
Mark 7 Publishing
[email protected]

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RNS or Religion News Foundation.

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