What is hMPV, the virus spreading through China?
Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) has probably been infecting people for centuries ROGER HARRIS/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Alarmist headlines that warn of China once again being overwhelmed by a mysterious new virus have dominated in the past few days. But the virus reported to be responsible for a surge in respiratory infections there, called human metapneumovirus, or hMPV, is actually neither mysterious nor new, and authorities in China have rejected claims that its health system is overwhelmed. What is human metapneumovirus? It is one of the many different viruses known as cold viruses because they infect the cells lining our respiratory tract, causing “common cold” symptoms, such as a sore throat, runny nose, coughing and sneezing, which may persist for a few days. You have almost certainly had an hMPV infection – studies of antibodies show that just about everybody gets infected by it by the age of 5. As with flu, people can be reinfected throughout their lives as immunity fades and new variants evolve. How dangerous is hMPV? In most people it only causes mild symptoms, …