All posts tagged: values

Jim Wallis: False White Gospel

Jim Wallis: False White Gospel

 The U.S. is now barely six months away from the 2024 election, and division and extremism seem to be at an all-time high. Race and religion play roles in much of the rhetoric surrounding the coming vote, and whether it’s imposing religion into public schools, dismantling reproductive freedom, or rolling back voting rights, Christian nationalists are stripping away freedoms at every turn.  This week on The State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush is joined by activist and theologian Jim Wallis to discuss the importance of using faith as a guide for seeking truth, and the promise of a multiracial democracy. “We could become the first genuine multiracial democracy in the world. It’s a wonderful opportunity we have, but it will be answering this question, the one you raised: who is my neighbor? It will be treating people who are different than me as my neighbor. And the title of that chapter is: “Your Neighbor Probably Doesn’t Live in Your Neighborhood. “So how do we reach out …

Chinese censors target short dramas that don’t adhere to family values

Chinese censors target short dramas that don’t adhere to family values

Tales about evil mothers-in-law have landed China’s wildly popular ultrashort dramas in trouble with official censors. Bossy matriarchs who baby their adult sons are a staple of the latest entertainment craze among Gen Z in the country. They harangue daughters-in-law, the heroines of the shows, for subpar cooking and high electricity bills. Sometimes, it gets weird. In one series, the older woman even helps her son shower and brush his teeth. Wronged and disgusted, the young wife plots revenge. In a dramatic finale, she reveals her mother-in-law’s bullying to her husband — or she dumps him and strikes out alone. Over-the-top dramas about family bust-ups like these helped turn bite-sized soaps into a $5 billion industry for Chinese streaming giants. Now, Beijing is cracking down on the format’s allegedly “inappropriate” plots about marital strife for fear they will hurt the government’s campaign encouraging families to stay together and have more children. Rising official concern about the corrupting influence of micro-dramas will probably slow the meteoric rise of the industry in China, experts say, and may …

The Most Successful Kids Learn These 10 Lessons From Their Parents | Dr. David McFadden

The Most Successful Kids Learn These 10 Lessons From Their Parents | Dr. David McFadden

Every family has their own set of values — those things we believe in most and hold the strongest convictions about. Whatever those values are, we teach them to our children. Whether we realize it or not, they come through in the way we speak, the stories we tell, and the way we treat others. No matter what lessons we deliberately intend to teach, our children learn exactly what it is we value as they watch our attitudes, reactions, and interactions. This means it is vitally important that we as parents give conscious thought to understanding our own set of values. To do so, you must first determine what those cherished values are, and then develop a plan to pass them on. The most successful kids learn these 10 life lessons from their parents: 1. Having a strong work ethic There is a great deal of discussion these days regarding the work ethic of Millennials — as there has been such a discussion about each generation in the last several decades. Some families have a family history of workaholics whose children feel abandoned. Some families believe drive and ambition are crucial. What sort of work ethic do …

NSS announces major conference on protecting liberal values

NSS announces major conference on protecting liberal values

The National Secular Society will bring together speakers from a wide range of fields and viewpoints for a conference on defending liberal values from religious threats. Secularism 2024: Protecting Liberal Values will take place in London’s Covent Garden this October, and promises lively and enlightening discussion with an exciting line-up of speakers. The keynote speaker will be writer, broadcaster and free speech advocate Kenan Malik, who has long spoken out in defence of liberalism. Also speaking will be journalist Joan Smith, well known for standing up for freedom of expression and women’s rights. Lord Paul Scriven, Liberal Democrat life peer behind a recent bill to disestablish the Church of England, will be there to talk about his bill and why the established church undermines liberal democracy. Other confirmed speakers include writer Emma Park, constitutional law expert Ronan McCrea, and journalist Khadija Khan. More speakers will be announced over the coming weeks. The conference will take place on Saturday 19th October 2024 at the Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden, London. It will cost just £20 for …

Rwanda, humanist values, and what the ECHR has done for us all

Rwanda, humanist values, and what the ECHR has done for us all

As the UK government doubles down on its Rwanda deportation plans – even considering withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to push the policy through – Humanists UK yet again condemns the inhumanity of both policies, as well as pointing out how it endangers people seeking asylum on grounds of their non-religious beliefs because of Rwanda’s blasphemy laws. The defiance of the European Court of Human Rights – a vital part of the UK’s legal system – marks a dramatic turning point in UK immigration policy, and Humanists UK’s critique highlights the urgent ethical and legal issues at stake. What has the ECHR ever done for us? The instrumental role of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) in upholding our fundamental human rights cannot be overstated. From safeguarding the right to a fair trial and freedom of expression to freedom of religion or belief, the ECHR has been at the forefront of advancing human dignity and liberty – including the UK. It acts as a crucial check on the potentially arbitrary …

What I Believe sheds light on the values driving today’s leading humanist thinkers

What I Believe sheds light on the values driving today’s leading humanist thinkers

Another major nonfiction book on humanism is on its way. What I Believe, an inspiring collection of interviews with over thirty different humanists in the public eye, originally for the Humanists UK podcast of the same name, will be released in November 2024. Humanists UK Chief Executive Andrew Copson speaks to actors, authors, activists, and more to find out what they believe and the values, convictions, and opinions they live by. It includes conversations with Stephen Fry, Sandi Toksvig, and Alice Roberts, among many, many more. Inspired by the What I Believe essays of two humanist greats – the philosopher Bertrand Russell and the novelist E M Forster – this book opens a window to different humanist perspectives of today. All ideas, values, and beliefs are open to question and in this book readers have the opportunity to reflect on the human experience and find guidance and solace in the complexities of modern life. The collection originates in conversations from Humanists UK’s popular podcast of the same name, What I Believe, which since 2020 has …

Russia’s weaponising of sexual violence, and Ukraine’s response, reveals a grim war of values | Kateryna Busol

Russia’s weaponising of sexual violence, and Ukraine’s response, reveals a grim war of values | Kateryna Busol

Atrocities are Russia’s means of warfare. Since the beginning of its aggression against Ukraine in 2014, the Kremlin has weaponised actions that are internationally considered as crimes, including sexual violence. With the all-out invasion in 2022, Russia’s sexual violence has expanded in its prevalence and gravity. It makes for difficult reading, but the extent of documented crimes includes rapes; gang rapes; sexual slavery; beating and mutilation of genitalia; castration; threats of rape and forcing family members to witness abuse of their loved ones. Sexual violence is common in war. But these are not only isolated battlefield incidents. Russia has allowed toxic gender hierarchies to become the norm within its borders, and allowed more brutal expressions to flourish on the frontlines of its war. This begins at the top, with President Putin demanding Ukraine’s fulfilment of the Minsk agreements with a joking reference to sexual coercion, saying “My beauty, it’s your duty”. His words won’t shock a country with an ingrained tolerance to violence against women and sexual and gender minorities. Russia has all but decriminalised …

How to Make Values Your Compass in Life, Not Fear

How to Make Values Your Compass in Life, Not Fear

Source: Anastasia Petrova / Unsplash Part 4 of the Anxiety Jedi Series. What would you do if I waved a magic wand and took away your anxiety? Try to really imagine this experience in your mind and body. A sublime pause where there is nothing to do, fix, escape, or control. Just a feeling of deep calm and spaciousness. Room for inspiration to open up. What actions would you take? How would you engage in your relationships? What course would you set for your future? When I asked my client Malaika1 these questions, she stared back at me blankly. At 28, she had spent much of her life struggling to manage social anxiety. She had a demanding job at a financial company but avoided the spotlight. She had a housemate and friends from high school, but she worried they found her “boring” and kept her distance. Life felt arduous and lonely. Understandably, Malaika’s goal for therapy was to get relief from her anxiety. Only then might she dream of something more for her life. This …

Apple Changes Trade-In Values for iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches

Apple Changes Trade-In Values for iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches

Apple today adjusted its estimated trade-in values for select iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch models in the U.S., with the changes reflected on its website. Apple slightly increased trade-in values for the iPhone 14 Pro Max, second-generation iPhone SE, Apple Watch Series 4, and first-generation Apple Watch SE, while trade-in values slightly decreased for the entry-level iPad, Apple Watch Ultra, Apple Watch Series 7, and second-generation Apple Watch SE. Apple’s trade-in changes are outlined below: Device New Values Old Values iPhone 14 Pro Max Up to $630 Up to $620 iPhone SE 2 Up to $90 Up to $70 iPad Up to $250 Up to $260 Apple Watch Ultra Up to $365 Up to $390 Apple Watch Series 7 Up to $145 Up to $155 Apple Watch Series 4 Up to $70 Up to $60 Apple Watch SE 2 Up to $120 Up to $125 Apple Watch SE 1 Up to $95 Up to $90 Apple also adjusted trade-in values for select Android smartphones. Trade-ins can be completed on Apple’s website or at an Apple …

Men Are Wildly Attracted To Women With These 11 Values | Lianne Avila

Men Are Wildly Attracted To Women With These 11 Values | Lianne Avila

For many single women, it sometimes feels as though everyone around them is either getting married or already involved in loving relationships, while they’re still sitting around trying to figure out how to get a guy to like them so they can finally find a boyfriend, stop the dating grind, fall in love, and find some happiness yourself. And ultimately, this can leave you feeling lonely. You might even feel like you’re the only woman you know who feels this way. But you’re far from alone. According to the Pew Research Center, nearly half of the population in the United States is currently single and unmarried, which means many strong, amazing single women like you are looking for love, too. Instead of focusing so hard on how to get a guy to like you, focus on finding what happiness means for you. Use this time to explore what you like and what you don’t like. How do you treat yourself? What types of things do you say to yourself? Unfortunately, many single women are hard on …