All posts tagged: uncontrollable

New Weight Loss Drug Has Small Problem: Uncontrollable Vomiting

New Weight Loss Drug Has Small Problem: Uncontrollable Vomiting

Image by Getty / Futurism A Swiss pharmaceutical company hoping to cash in on the weight loss drug trend is having its dreams dashed amid new results showing that the drugs cause a broad majority of patients to yak. As the Financial Times reports, the drugmaker Roche found in trials for the experimental drug, dubbed CT-388, that a majority of people who took the highest dose of it in both injectable and pill form suffered from nausea and vomiting. Revealed during the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes last week, these new side effect results found that a whopping 75 percent of those who take the highest dose of the injectable version of the as-yet-unbranded drug experienced vomiting. Results for the pill version, which Roche acquired along with injectable CT-388 when it purchased Carmot Therapeutics at the beginning of this year, were similar. Trying to quell investor concerns that saw its stock fall five percent in the wake of the trial results, a Roche representative suggested that the side effects were …

Dan Carlin on humanity’s uncontrollable “Prometheus complex”

Dan Carlin on humanity’s uncontrollable “Prometheus complex”

Do not annoy the gods. If there’s one lesson classical mythology teaches us, it’s that you should know your limits and mind yourself. Beware of hubris: the act of boasting arrogance and self-aggrandizement that man pitches against God, the gods, or the forces of nature. It’s sticking a middle finger up at Thor, turning your back on a visiting angel, or trying to steal from Zeus. Hubris is Icarus, of the waxen wings, flying too close to the Sun. But it’s also your friend, Gary, who thought he could drive home in a blizzard. Most people reading classical literature get the point. Stay in your lane. But there is one icon of Greek mythology who didn’t read the memo: Prometheus. Here’s how his story goes: Zeus was angry at humanity, as he often was, and so took away their capacity to make fire. Prometheus looked down at the shivering, withering people below and took pity on them. Without asking Zeus, he lit a torch from the Sun and smuggled fire back down to Earth. For …

Europe facing uncontrollable surge of migrants as asylum applications hit 7 year high | World | News

Europe facing uncontrollable surge of migrants as asylum applications hit 7 year high | World | News

Europe is facing an unprecedented amount of migrant applications, as figures reach an all time high. More than one million applications for asylum in the European Union were lodged in 2023, with a large percentage coming from migrants from Syria and Afghanistan. The figures, compiled by the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), found that Germany had the highest number of applications, with France second. The report was published on Wednesday and sparked concern, with an application increase of 18 percent compared to 2022. The EUAA found an increase since 2020, when travel resumed following the pandemic. Figures are similar to those in 2015 and 2016, when 1.3 million people fled during the civil war in Syria. Germany received 334,000 asylum applications in 2023, with France receiving 167,000. Spain came in next at 162,000 applications, with Italy receiving 136,000. In the EU as a whole, Syrians submitted 181,000 applications, followed by Afghans with 114,000. However, the number of applications from Afghans fell by 11 percent when compared to 2022. Turkish nationals submitted 101,000 applications, an 82 …

Zambia’s worst-ever cholera outbreak spirals into ‘uncontrollable health crisis’

Zambia’s worst-ever cholera outbreak spirals into ‘uncontrollable health crisis’

Children have been hardest hit in Zambia, accounting for one in three deaths to date. The reason for this is that most infected toddlers often show little symptoms.  Yankho Mataya, country director for the charity WaterAid, said she has heard of many instances where parents have easily mistaken their child’s crying for routine development, like teething, when the child was infected with cholera and needed urgent medical treatment. She urged all families to treat illnesses and symptoms as potential cholera cases until proven otherwise: “No child should die from cholera. Do not hesitate if your child is showing mild symptoms – seek urgent medical care for your loved ones before it’s too late.” Local authorities and aid groups are doing what they can to fight the outbreak. The Zambian government has resorted to deferring the national reopening of schools and universities after the Christmas break until February 12, meaning tens of thousands of students have missed out on several weeks of education. Organisations like WaterAid are providing immediate relief in the form of aid kits, …