EU Health Technology Assessment to revolutionise patient care
The European Union’s long-awaited Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation comes into effect on 12 January, ushering in a new era of healthcare innovation across the EU. On Sunday, the EU takes a pivotal step forward with the implementation of the Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA). This groundbreaking framework aims to enhance the availability of innovative and effective health technologies, ensuring patients across the EU benefit from timely access to life-changing treatments. Discussing the HTA, Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare, noted: “I welcome the start of application of the new EU rules on Health Technology Assessment. “European patients need quicker access to innovative and lifesaving medicines and medical devices, and we are one step closer to making this a reality. “We must now ensure that these rules are fully put into practice across the EU – to make better use of available resources, to ensure faster entry into the market for pharmaceuticals with lower costs, less red tape and faster administrative procedures to get them included into the reimbursement schemes. “This is …