How “Taleb’s Surgeon” redefines what expertise look like
Sign up for the Big Think Business newsletter Learn from the world’s biggest business thinkers Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. The American novelist Fannie Hurst once said that “A woman still has to be twice as good as a man in order to get half as far.” And, certainly, when she said it back in the 1940s, it was likely not far from the truth. It’s hard to know if she was the first to coin the idea, as many people from different countries and times have voiced similar sentiments. It was said of black sportsmen and Jewish workers in the 1920s, and it could be applied today to many groups when they set out on a certain career path. The point Hurst was making is that when you have to defy expectations, you have to work that much harder. When you want to succeed in a profession, you have to not only be good at that profession but also look the part. You have to walk a certain way, talk a certain …