Remember Self-Care to Strengthen Humanism
While theists often focus on their relationship with gods and connected spirits, non-theists focus on our relationship with others and the impact of our connected actions. But we must not neglect our own well-being and the need to care for ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. Self-care may sound selfish, as it puts oneself before others and allows us to rest in a society obsessed with productivity. But not holding space for ourselves can lead to burnout, diminish our ability to help others, and cause many health complications. Prioritizing time to reflect and address our own needs empowers us to handle life’s many challenges. “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare,” wrote Audre Lorde in her 1988 essay collection A Burst of Light. Each year, Self-Care Month begins June 24 and ends with Self-Care Day on July 24. According to the World Health Organization, “this symbolic day was chosen because self-care can be practiced ‘24 hours a day/7 days a week.’” The 2024 celebration marked the …