All posts tagged: Showing

Apple Maps Might Start Showing Ads

Apple Maps Might Start Showing Ads

Apple is “exploring” the idea of showing search ads in the Apple Maps app, according to Bloomberg‘s Mark Gurman. Back in 2022, Gurman said software engineering was “already underway” to display ads in the Apple Maps app, but Apple did not move forward with the idea at the time. Today, he said Apple is “giving this notion more thought” again. This time around, he said Apple has yet to start engineering work, so ads in the Apple Maps app may still be a ways away. Ads in the Apple Maps app would not be the traditional banner ads that you see on websites, but rather paid search results. For example, a fast food chain could pay Apple to appear near the top of the results when a user searches for “burgers” or “fries.” Many similar apps already offer search ads, including Google Maps, Waze, and Yelp. Apple already displays search ads in the App Store, allowing developers to pay to promote their apps to users who search for relevant keywords. Ads in the Apple Maps …

Nick Ut allegedly tried to stop Sundance from showing movie about him

Nick Ut allegedly tried to stop Sundance from showing movie about him

The retired Associated Press photographer Nick Ut, who is credited with taking the famous “Napalm Girl” photo in 1972, tried to stop Sundance from screening a movie that asserts the real photographer is not him but a little-known Vietnamese stringer, filmmakers told THR on Sunday.  The Pulitzer-Prize winner’s lawyers recently sent a cease-and-desist letter to the festival and filmmakers behind the new movie The Stringer, they said; the film world-premiered on Saturday anyway. A festival representative did not immediately reply to a request for comment. A request for comment for Ut sent to the AP was not immediately returned. Ut could not immediately be located. The news about the documentary is the latest turn in a quickly escalating battle that has turned Sundance into nothing less than a referendum on the credibility of modern media. Ut has long been known as the man behind the image emblazoned on the collective brain —  the nine-year-old Kim Phuc running from the napalm attack in the nearby town of Trang Bang, her skin burning off from the chemical weapon. …

Showing Up Is Important –

Showing Up Is Important –

Humanist advocacy can be exhausting. There are always things that need to happen, projects that seem to never get done, challenges that arise, and societal issues to better understand so we can promote solutions. It’s hard to stay motivated when we feel like nobody cares and so many are against us. But it’s so empowering to hear how important humanism is to people around the world and engage with others currently doing, or interested in doing, the work. At a recent rally in Washington, DC, the American Humanist Association staff and volunteers tabling were greeted with overwhelming appreciation for being there, providing free materials, sharing about our work, directing people to local groups in their region (some were impressed we have communities in their area), and listening to their stories. We shared the space with the Washington Area Secular Humanists, a chapter of the AHA and affiliate of American Atheists, so the table had buttons, stickers, postcards, and signs for secular and atheist voters, supporters of LGBTQ+ equality, protesting Project 2025, understanding humanist values, and …

Is Your Android Phone Showing the Wrong Time? Here’s How to Fix It

Is Your Android Phone Showing the Wrong Time? Here’s How to Fix It

Key Takeaways Enabling the “Automatic date and time” setting allows your Android phone to synchronize its date and time settings via the internet, ensuring it remains accurate. Make sure your Android phone is set to the correct time zone so that it adjusts the clock during Daylight Saving Time (DST) transitions. You may have to consider installing Android updates or factory resetting the device if it continues to show the wrong date and time. You may sometimes notice your Android phone’s clock being off by a few minutes or even up to a full hour in extreme cases. While this might seem like a minor inconvenience, it can quickly disrupt your daily routine. Fortunately, you can try these fixes. 1 Turn Automatic Date Settings Off and On One of the easiest ways to fix the wrong date and time on your Android phone is to enable the “Automatic date and time” setting. If it’s already enabled, you can try turning it off and then back on. Here’s how to do it: Open the Settings app …

Researchers Say There’s Something Fishy With All These Studies Showing Huge Health Benefits From Ozempic-Like Drugs

Researchers Say There’s Something Fishy With All These Studies Showing Huge Health Benefits From Ozempic-Like Drugs

Image by Getty / Futurism It seems like every week, there’s a new headline about the health benefits of GLP-1s, the new class of injectable weight loss drugs like semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy. However, in a new editorial published in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, a group of public health specialists pointed out that the companies funding the research into these drugs and their safety are often the same ones making billions of dollars from their runaway popularity. In their commentary, the Duke-led group of health researchers suggest that there’s a glaring conflict of interest when companies like Novo Nordisk, the maker of Ozempic and Wegovy, initiate research into the safety and efficacy of these drugs. As these experts point out, studies have shown that “clinical trials sponsored by pharmaceutical companies are more likely to yield favorable results for company products than independent trials.” This so-called “sponsorship bias” can not only lead to favorable academic papers, but similar boosterism in the media and public perception of the drugs. The …

From showing animals for profit to protecting them: the reinvention of Buenos Aires zoo | Zoos

From showing animals for profit to protecting them: the reinvention of Buenos Aires zoo | Zoos

A mara, stretched out under the shade of a huge ombu tree, greets you at the entrance to the Buenos Aires Eco-park. It’s just one of dozens of the hare-like rodents that roam the grounds of the former city zoo. Today, only a few “legacy animals” remain in Buenos Aires, those hard to relocate due to their age. These include two hippos, which wallow in a new enclosure; a pair of geriatric giraffes; two aged elephants, which have regular podiatry sessions; and an arthritic camel, which receives acupuncture and magnet therapy five times a week. Aerial view of Buenos Aires Eco-park on 14 April 2020. The park closed as a zoo in 2016. Photograph: Getty Images The zoo closed its gates for the last time in 2016. Public opinion in the city had turned against the idea of displaying animals for entertainment, often in enclosures that had changed little since they were built in the late 1800s. Over the past seven years, more than 1,000 animals have been moved to sanctuaries around the world, reflecting …

Apple’s New Ad Showing Machines Crushing Human Creativity Is a Bit on the Nose

Apple’s New Ad Showing Machines Crushing Human Creativity Is a Bit on the Nose

“I’m ashamed to buy Apple products.” Pressed A new iPad ad shows a hydraulic press crushing beloved creative objects — and, perhaps, our dreams. In a video posted to X-formerly-Twitter, Apple CEO Tim Cook boasted that the latest iPad Pro is not only its most powerful offering, but is also “the thinnest product we’ve ever created.” In the ad, Sonny & Cher’s “All I Need Is You” blares in the background as the industrial press crushes, one by one, an “Angry Birds” desk ornament, a guitar, a piano, several paint cans, a metronome, a television, and some books. It’s a heavy-handed attempt at saying that the super-thin new iPad is skinnier than all that stuff put together, and perhaps that it “crushes” its competition. But if the comments are any indication, it struck a very discordant chord. “Crushing the symbols of human creativity to produce a homogenized branded slab is pretty much where the tech industry is at in 2024,” author Hari Kunzru quipped. “It is a heartbreaking, uncomfortable, and egotistic advertisement,” tech executive Hiroki …

Watch Animations Showing How Humans Migrated Across the World Over the Past 60,000 Years

Watch Animations Showing How Humans Migrated Across the World Over the Past 60,000 Years

Ex Africa sem­per aliq­uid novi. Attrib­uted to var­i­ous lumi­nar­ies of antiq­ui­ty, that say­ing (the prob­a­ble inspi­ra­tion for Isak Dine­sen’s poem “Ex Africa,” itself the prob­a­ble inspi­ra­tion for her mem­oir Out of Africa, which in turn was loose­ly adapt­ed into Syd­ney Pol­lack­’s Oscar-lav­ished film) trans­lates to “Out of Africa, always some­thing new.” But it’s per­haps more notable that out of Africa came some­thing quite old indeed: humankind itself, which over the past 60,000 years has been spread­ing ever far­ther across the world. You can see how it hap­pened in the Insid­er Sci­ence video above, which ani­mates those 60 mil­len­nia of glob­al migra­tion in less than two and a half min­utes. For more detail, con­sid­er sup­ple­ment­ing that video with this one from GeoNo­mad, which tracks the out­ward expan­sion of human­i­ty through DNA research. “Sci­en­tif­ic research has shown that the 7.5 bil­lion peo­ple who occu­py the earth today are the descen­dants of a woman who lived 200,000 years ago,” explains its nar­ra­tion. “Sci­en­tists call her Mito­chon­dr­i­al Eve,” in ref­er­ence to the DNA locat­ed in mito­chon­dria, a type of ener­gy-pro­duc­ing organelle known as “the …

Is the AI bubble already showing signs of weakness and going to pop?

Is the AI bubble already showing signs of weakness and going to pop?

If you are interested in learning more about the current AI bubble and the state of the artificial intelligent (AI) market and possible problems that could already be arising. I highly recommend checking out a video by Synapse this week embedded below, which covers some of the key trends, financial concerns and business struggles in the realm of AI. The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) has recently shown signs of instability and potential financial unsustainability within the industry. This has raised concerns about whether the AI sector is already experiencing a bubble similar to the dot-com bubble of the early 2000s. Key issues include financial mismanagement, overhyped valuations, and the challenge of converting technological innovation into viable business models. Let’s take a closer look at what’s been going on in the AI market over the past 18 months. Key Takeaways : Financial Instability and Mismanagement: Several AI startups, despite securing substantial investments, have struggled with financial stability due to high operational costs and inadequate revenue generation. For instance, Stability AI faced significant financial issues, …