Trump 2024: What a Collapse Could Look Like
December 30, 2023, 7 AM ET Editor’s Note: Washington Week With The Atlantic is a partnership between NewsHour Productions, WETA, and The Atlantic airing every Friday on PBS stations nationwide. Check your local listings or watch full episodes here. In this year-end episode, some of the contributors to the The Atlantic’s January/February issue forecast what a second Trump term might look like. For the magazine, 24 Atlantic writers––experts in foreign and domestic policy, economics, and national security––examined Trump’s record and his recent statements, and wrote about what they believe his agenda would be in a theoretical second term. Joining editor in chief of The Atlantic and moderator, Jeffrey Goldberg, this week to discuss this and more are McKay Coppins, staff writer at The Atlantic and author of Romney: A Reckoning; Franklin Foer, staff writer at The Atlantic and author of The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future; Adrienne LaFrance, executive editor of The Atlantic; and Clint Smith, staff writer at The Atlantic and author of How the Word …