I Won’t Buy These 7 Tech Products on Amazon
It’s tempting to turn straight to Amazon whenever I need something. A book, a Blu-ray, a game. I’ve got Prime, so they’ll be at my door in no time. However, there are some things I won’t get from Amazon, and almost all of them are tech products. 1 Phone Chargers UGREEN It’d be really convenient to buy replacement phone chargers and cables from Amazon, but I always resist this temptation. I’ve seen far too many news items about fake ones malfunctioning and blowing up. Sometimes, that can be extremely dangerous and cause burns, fires, and electric shocks. If a product is faulty, the best-case scenario is that it damages my phone. The worst-case scenario doesn’t bear thinking about. Even the ones that purport to be official likely aren’t. You’re taking a gamble when you buy a phone charger from Amazon—and that gamble could be your life. In 2023, The Mirror reported how a fake charger set alight and burned a house down within minutes. I’d rather not risk that to save a bit of cash. …