All posts tagged: privilege

UK charities hiring staff with ‘privilege not potential’, report author warns | Charities

UK charities hiring staff with ‘privilege not potential’, report author warns | Charities

Charities are hiring staff with “privilege rather than potential”, according to the author of a report highlighting the stark class divide in the sector. Working-class people are less likely to be hired by charities than by employers in the public and private sectors, said the EY Foundation, which supports young people from low-income backgrounds to progress in professional roles. Working-class people also find it harder to climb the career ladder inside charitable organisations, with the report highlighting how charity chief executives are twice as likely as the wider population to have gone to private school, rising to three times as likely for the biggest charities. Duncan Exley, the author of the report, said charities were missing out when teams hired within their own social circles and class bubbles, which the research showed tended to skew towards the most affluent third of people. He said: “You’re cutting off an awful lot of talent, you’re going to recruit people who have privilege rather than people who are potential.” One issue identified was that most charities were not …

Graham Norton issues goodbye message to listeners in final Virgin Radio weekend show: ‘It’s such a privilege’

Graham Norton issues goodbye message to listeners in final Virgin Radio weekend show: ‘It’s such a privilege’

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Graham Norton delivered a farewell message to listeners at the end of the final episode of his Virgin Radio weekend show. The Irish broadcaster announced on Saturday (24 February) that he would be stepping down from the regular slot after three years, with Sunday’s episode (25 February) to be his final one. Norton joined BBC Radio 2 in 2010, hosting the 10am to 1pm Saturday show, which had previously been presented by Jonathan Ross. In 2021, he moved the series from Radio 2 to Virgin. Speaking to listeners at the end of Sunday’s episode, the Graham Norton Show star, 60, said: “I’m very grateful for all of your messages. It’s become embarassing to read them out. But there’s a lot of people saying nice things.” He went on to thank Chris Evans, the bosses at Virgin, as well as the guests show regulars, and the producers. “It is …

Washington State Democrats: Using Ammo A ‘Privilege’ That Needs To Be Taxed

Washington State Democrats: Using Ammo A ‘Privilege’ That Needs To Be Taxed

Authored by Bill Pan via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The first month of the Washington Legislature’s 2024 session is ending with a slew of Democrat-backed gun control proposals, including a new measure to tax people who have the “privilege” of using ammunition. PETALUMA, CA – APRIL 02: A box of 9mm bullets sits on the counter at Sportsmans Arms on April 2, 2013 in Petaluma, California. In the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut school massacare, California State lawmakers are introducing several bills that propose taxing and regulating sales of ammunition. Another bill is aimed to require a background check and annual permit fee to purchase any ammunition. (Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) House Bill 2238, sponsored by Democratic state Reps. My-Linh Thai and Liz Berry, would create an 11 percent tax on the retail sale of ammunition across the state in addition to all existing federal, state, and local sale and use taxes, with the exception of sales to governments for the purposes of supplying law enforcement agencies. Instead of recognizing the purchase …

‘The government has been too terrible to make fun of’: Peter Capaldi on satire, politics and privilege | Peter Capaldi

‘The government has been too terrible to make fun of’: Peter Capaldi on satire, politics and privilege | Peter Capaldi

One winter morning, a Doctor Who comes calling. The Glaswegian actor Peter Capaldi lives about an hour’s walk from me and instead of us meeting in some midway café, the 65-year-old wanders over (leather booted, woolly jumpered, cloaked in a dark winter coat that sets off his pale-grey hair) to have coffee at my kitchen table. My son is off school with flu, medicating on Marvel movies and barely able to believe his luck as the actorly embodiment of an alien superhero wanders through our flat. While we’re waiting for the kettle to boil, I ask Capaldi whether he ran into any other Doctor Whos on his walk through the actorland that is suburban north London. He grins an unguarded grin you don’t often see on screen. Capaldi became famous as the permanently angry spin doctor Malcolm Tucker in the BBC comedy The Thick of It, which ran from 2005 to 2012 and, after that, between 2013 and 2017, he played the sternest, least imp-ish Doctor Who in decades. In his new Apple TV show, …

Dems Scorch Mace On ‘White Privilege’

Dems Scorch Mace On ‘White Privilege’

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‘No one knew what to do with me’: Ramy Youssef on privilege, fear and his friend Taylor Swift | Film

‘No one knew what to do with me’: Ramy Youssef on privilege, fear and his friend Taylor Swift | Film

These are strange times for Ramy Youssef. On the one hand, he is about to appear in his first big movie role, in the delightfully surreal and sexed-up fantasia Poor Things. After his hit comedy drama series Ramy, it looks like the beginning of a new phase in his career. On the other hand, the Israel-Gaza war is dominating the news, and as one of the most prominent Muslim entertainers out there, Egyptian American Youssef is very much in the spotlight. These two worlds are colliding the day we meet in December. Youssef is tangentially in the headlines as a result of Taylor Swift having attended his standup show in New York a few days previously, with celebrity friends Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne. Youssef is donating all the proceeds from the remainder of his standup tour to the Palestinian NGO American Near East Refugee Aid. This was too much for the rightwing presenter Megyn Kelly, who declared that Swift “owes Israelis and Jewish Americans an apology”, and urged people to “boycott her events until …

Sir David Attenborough says unearthing ‘one-in-a-billion’ fossil was a ‘great privilege’

Sir David Attenborough says unearthing ‘one-in-a-billion’ fossil was a ‘great privilege’

Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter for all the latest entertainment news and reviews Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter Sir David Attenborough has called the opportunity to unearth a “one-in-a-billion” fossil a “great privilege”, ahead of the release of a documentary chronicling its extraordinary discovery and excavation. Attenborough & the Giant Sea Monster follows the British naturalist, 97, as he joins a mission to excavate the skull of a fearsome monster“who ruled the seas during the period of the dinosaurs” from a cliff face in Dorset. The one-off BBC documentary, which will air on New Year’s day, is about the discovery of the skull of a pliosaurs, one of the world’s most dangerous predators. It begins with a perilous rescue mission, as the skull – weighing over half a tonne – is carefully removed from its resting place 12 metres up in the White Nothe cliffs, on the Jurassic Coast, Dorset. “It looked as though it was going to be one of the most complete skeletons ever found,” the British TV legend …

7 Ways Being Raised By Entitled Parents Can Affect Kids

7 Ways Being Raised By Entitled Parents Can Affect Kids

There’s no shortage of entitled people in our society today. Those with a sense of entitlement tend to believe that they deserve only good things and special treatment, and therefore demand it from everyone. But while many parents are rightfully concerned with how to avoid raising entitled children, it’s also important to examine whether they model this kind of negative behaviour. Failing to realise the impact that entitled conduct in caregivers can have on kids may carry deep consequences in their later lives. Below, experts share some of the ways having entitled parents can affect children as they grow up. They may become entitled themselves. “Children often learn by what they see. In this case, a child could lean toward entitlement,” said Craig Knippenberg, a therapist and author of “Wired and Connected: Brain-Based Solutions To Ensure Your Child’s Social and Emotional Success.” Being raised by an entitled parent means seeing your caregivers make unreasonable demands and act out when those demands aren’t met because they feel the world owes them. Kids with this experience may …

A Poem by Tayi Tibble: ‘My Ancestors Ride Wit Me’

A Poem by Tayi Tibble: ‘My Ancestors Ride Wit Me’

Bromberger Hoover / Getty December 3, 2023, 11:26 AM ET My ancestors ride wit me.They twerk on the roof of the Uberas I’m pulling up late to the party.They gas me full tank andyas me in the mirroras I summon them out of me withmy mascara wands and glitter andevery time I draw my eyes onNana you encourage meto keep my chin lifted upwards,my eyes filling up with stars. I know I walk onsalt blood water tears.I know the earth has beenbeaten down and made gangstabut sometimes, e hoas,I just want to party. My ancestors ride wit me.Don’t tell me what they would do.I know them better than you. I sat in the lap of my great-grandmotheruntil the flax of her couldn’t take it.So she unraveled herself andwrapped around me like a blanketand at her touch the privilege of mewas a headrush as I rememberedmaking dresses out of sugar packets,my bro getting blown up in Forlì,my grandfather commemorated under one treeeven though he forced himself into our bloodlineand then abandoned me and me and me.My …

What Humans and Nature Get From Each Other

What Humans and Nature Get From Each Other

It’s not a coincidence that America is getting both lonelier and more indoorsy, an Atlantic writer argues. Pete Lomchid / Getty November 18, 2023, 8 AM ET This is an edition of The Wonder Reader, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a set of stories to spark your curiosity and fill you with delight. Sign up here to get it every Saturday morning. Those of us who live in cities are inclined to avoid some of nature’s less-than-appealing creatures. “My aversion to pigeons, rats, and cockroaches is somewhat justifiable, given their cultural associations with dirtiness and disease,” Hannah Seo writes in a recent article. “But such disgust is part of a larger estrangement between humanity and the natural world.” “As nature grows unfamiliar, separate, and strange to us, we are more easily repelled by it,” Seo explains. “These feelings can lead people to avoid nature further, in what some experts have called ‘the vicious cycle of biophobia.’ This cycle has some parallels with another cycle of modern life, Seo writes: “Psychologists know that lonely …