All posts tagged: polygynous

Men are six times more open to polygynous relationships than women, study finds

Men are six times more open to polygynous relationships than women, study finds

New research conducted in the United Kingdom found that multi-partner relationships are generally less desirable than singleness and monogamy. However, the study found that men are six times more likely than women to be open to polygynous relationships, which involve one man with multiple female partners. Among the least desired relationship types was two-timing, where one person has two partners who are unaware of each other. The paper was published in Archives of Sexual Behavior. Polygamy is a marriage practice where an individual has more than one spouse simultaneously. This practice can manifest in two main forms: polygyny, where one man marries multiple women, and polyandry, where one woman marries multiple men. Polygamy has historical roots in numerous cultures and is still practiced in parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Most traditional human cultures permit at least some form of having multiple partners. However, in many modern societies, particularly Western ones, polygamy is illegal and very often viewed with moral and ethical disapproval due to concerns about gender equality and welfare of all …