All posts tagged: police dog

Police Chief Makes Retired German Shepherd Stay In A Shelter Despite His Previous Handler Offering To Buy Him

Police Chief Makes Retired German Shepherd Stay In A Shelter Despite His Previous Handler Offering To Buy Him

A North Carolina Police Department is taking heat from people around the country over their treatment of a German Shepherd who worked for their team for years. After the dog’s handler sustained an injury and was placed on light duty, the police chief decided the dog’s fate.  Now, many people are outraged and are demanding justice for the ailing canine.  The chief of police placed the German Shepherd who worked for them in a shelter, despite his handler claiming that he would keep him. The 7-year-old police K-9, named Pac-Man, had worked with his handler, Nathan Ingram, for three years at the Dunn Police Department in North Carolina. However, after sustaining an injury back in October, Ingram was placed on light duty. During this time, he was unable to work with Pac-Man.  Ingram never expected his beloved partner to be placed in a local animal shelter while he was gone, but according to the Dunn Police Chief Cary Jackson, that is exactly what happened to him. After offering to bring Pac-Man into his home and cover the costs for …