Boston Globe paywall strategy: Chief commercial officer interview
Boston Globe office. Picture: Craig F Walke Like so many regional media brands, the Boston Globe nearly went out of business in 2009 after the financial crash. Today it stands out as an exemplar of how journalism can not just survive but thrive in the digital age. In the latest Press Gazette Future of Media Explained podcast, the title’s chief commercial officer Kayvan Salmanpour explained how the multi-Pulitzer Prize-winning title carried off an evolution many other regional publishers have struggled to replicate. The episode, which was sponsored by digital publishing platform Quintype, also featured insight from that company’s vice president of international partnerships Chad Hussain. Privately-owned Boston Globe Media does not publish financial results but today has close to 1,000 employees, with 261,000 digital subscriptions and 75,000 in print. London’s main news publisher, the Standard, is believed to have somewhere between 100-150 staff left after moving to free weekly publication last month and it has made seven straight years of losses. The reported GDP of the greater Boston area (at around $500bn) is only slightly …