Pause in Ofsted SEND inspections ‘opens accountability gap’
More from this theme Recent articles Ministers have been warned that suspending monitoring visits for areas that failed special educational needs and disabilities inspections should “set off alarm bells” as it “opens up an accountability gap”. As part of its Big Listen response, Ofsted announced it would review area SEND inspections “to enable local areas to enhance the support they offer”. Alongside the Care Quality Commission, the inspectorates look at how well services work together to improve experiences and outcomes for children with additional needs. While full inspections will continue, Ofsted will “hold off” monitoring inspections until the review is completed. No timescale has been given. Areas found to have “widespread and/or system concerns” should usually have a monitoring inspection within about 18 months. The first three under a new framework rolled out last year were due to take place before the end of the year. Anne Longfield, the chair of think tank Centre for Young Lives, said anything that created a gap in accountability “must be something that sets off alarm bells out to …