All posts tagged: parents and children

Phrases Kind Parents Who Raise Respectful Kids Use Often

Phrases Kind Parents Who Raise Respectful Kids Use Often

All parents want to raise their kids to be kind and respectful of others, but it can be a challenge. Sometimes, it’s all a mom can do to get through the day, let alone teach their kids a lifelong lesson.  According to one mom, one of the simplest techniques to raise respectful children is to use one-liners which are phrases that are easy for kids to understand while reinforcing positive lessons.  Think, “Wait ’til your father gets home,” except much nicer and less misogynistic. Here are 6 phrases kind parents who raise respectful kids use often: Nicole, a mother and the founder of Carpool and Coffee: Raising Kind Kids, shared some phrases that work wonders for children because they are easy for kids to understand. She should know — she uses them with her own kids. RELATED: How To Raise Kind Kids Who Can Change This Harsh, Cruel World 1. ‘You can be mad without being mean.’ Everyone has a right to feel whatever emotion they’re experiencing, but you can’t let those feelings impact the …

5 Secret Tests To Immediately Determine Your Child’s Love Language

5 Secret Tests To Immediately Determine Your Child’s Love Language

Most people are familiar with the concept of love languages. They originated with Gary Chapman’s 1992 book “The 5 Love Languages” and describe the different ways in which people express and experience love.  While love languages are usually discussed regarding romantic relationships, parenting expert Emma Christmas says they are relevant for parents and children too. In a recent Instagram post, she shared a few ways to identify your child’s love language and use that knowledge to strengthen your bond.  Here are 5 secret tests you can use to determine your child’s love language: 1. Words of affirmation buritora | Shutterstock How to know: If your child frequently seeks compliments, praise, and opinions, words of affirmation are likely their primary love language. Constant questions are another indication of this. How to speak it back: Let your child hear you say good things about them, whether you directly tell them or not-so-casually allow them to “overhear” you. This doesn’t just have to be verbal — notes from you would also be treasured. RELATED: Kate Winslet Gives Brilliant …

Server Claims She Brings Kids Whatever They Ask For Even After The Parents Say No

Server Claims She Brings Kids Whatever They Ask For Even After The Parents Say No

After a server shared her “controversial” take on how she responds when families seated at her tables don’t allow their kids to order what they want, many individuals largely disagreed with her approach. The teen server always brings kid customers whatever they ask for, regardless of what parents say. A server took to TikTok claiming it makes her ‘sad’ to see kids seated at her tables get shut down by their parents, prompting her to intervene. The 18-year-old server Star, who goes by @beemmmoooo, shared a video of herself fixing her hair in the bathroom at work with the text, “This may be controversial but one thing about me that I’m not sorry for is that whenever a family comes to my job and the parents don’t let their kids order what they want and I see they look sad, I look at them, smile, and ask them directly what they want.” “I simply find it very sad when parents don’t let their kids get what they want,” she wrote. RELATED: Server Criticizes Family Who …

Teacher Says Parents Got Mad At Her For Doing Exactly What They Asked

Teacher Says Parents Got Mad At Her For Doing Exactly What They Asked

Teachers are responsible for a million things — juggling a delicate balance of teaching, redirecting behavioral issues, supporting mental health struggles, and cultivating a safe space for their students.  Many teachers name parents as the worst part of their jobs.  It’s difficult to please them while also looking out for the success of their kids. Parenting starts at home, but inevitably, teachers see these children a lot — so where’s the boundary?  One teacher on Reddit revealed the root of her tumultuous relationship with one student’s parents — saying they’re just “never happy” despite her efforts. “I literally can’t win. I did what they asked and am still getting in trouble.”  The teacher said a student’s parents got mad at her for emailing them about their son’s missing assignments — despite telling her to do so.  “At winter conferences, a parent asked me to email him every time his kid missed a major assignment,” the teacher wrote. Although that already felt like a bit of an overstep, as parents can view grades and assignments themselves, she was willing …

Dad Wants To Cut Off His Daughter From Her 0 Monthly Gymnastics Program

Dad Wants To Cut Off His Daughter From Her $600 Monthly Gymnastics Program

Having kids is inevitably expensive, from the rising cost of childcare to ensuring their basic needs are met.  Another factor affecting a parent’s income is the cost of after-school activities, which could be viewed as a lower-level necessity, providing kids with social interaction and building skills that supplement their education.  A dad who’s ‘drowning in debt’ wants to tell his daughter to quit her $600-per-month gymnastics program. The dad to three kids wrote into the r/Money subreddit, wondering what to do about this particularly expensive activity.  He described his financial situation, explaining that he makes $87,000 a year at “a good job,” but he’s still “drowning in debt.” AleksandarNakic / Canva Pro RELATED: Dad Says He ‘Can’t Do This Anymore’ After Paying $123 For Two ‘Cheap’ Dinners & Some Snacks At The Grocery Store While he didn’t get into details, he shared that he has a $750 mortgage and a second mortgage of $500. He used a $40,000 home equity loan to pay off his credit card debt, then “proceeded to rack up an additional 40k …

The Only 5 Times Going ‘No Contact’ With A Parent Is Smart, According To A Therapist

The Only 5 Times Going ‘No Contact’ With A Parent Is Smart, According To A Therapist

The tie between parent and child is typically regarded as resilient and enduring — some may even think unbreakable. However, there are instances where this connection sours, becoming tainted by toxicity, abuse, or lingering unresolved conflicts. This can compel individuals to face the difficult decision of severing ties with a parent. While this choice is undoubtedly challenging, it often serves as a means of self-preservation and a starting point for healing. On the YourTango podcast Open Relationships: Transforming Together therapist Dr. Alexandra Soloman revealed several instances where cutting ties with family is not only a smart choice but a safe one. “It does become a choice of the only way to save myself is by stepping away,” she states. RELATED: 7 Harsh Signs It’s Time To Go No-Contact With Your Family Member A Therapist Explains The 5 Times Going ‘No Contact’ With A Parent Is Smart 1. When it’s too toxic to fix. When the relationship is too toxic to fix, it’s essential to recognize the signs that the relationship may be irreparable. When we talk about a relationship being …

Your Kid’s Personality And Why It Triggers You

Your Kid’s Personality And Why It Triggers You

In a previous post, I discussed why it’s normal to have a favorite child and as long as you don’t silk screen your preference onto a T-shirt or otherwise make it known, you’re still a good parent. But why does your child, or children, trigger you so much? Photo: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock Look at this delightful girl pictured above whose photo I obtained from a free image site. Let’s imagine she is your daughter. The same girl could be thought of in an infinite amount of ways by different parents. Here’s a range of interpretations of her behavior that I could hear clients tell me in a session: “Lazy like my sister. Always reading, reading, reading. Her siblings help with cleaning up and then look at this one sitting on the couch as usual.” “She is smart like her dad. Thank God she didn’t inherit dyslexia from me. She is truly the light of my life.” “Here’s my daughter the romantic getting into another novel. With her head in the sky, she is probably going to make the …