Phrases Kind Parents Who Raise Respectful Kids Use Often
All parents want to raise their kids to be kind and respectful of others, but it can be a challenge. Sometimes, it’s all a mom can do to get through the day, let alone teach their kids a lifelong lesson. According to one mom, one of the simplest techniques to raise respectful children is to use one-liners which are phrases that are easy for kids to understand while reinforcing positive lessons. Think, “Wait ’til your father gets home,” except much nicer and less misogynistic. Here are 6 phrases kind parents who raise respectful kids use often: Nicole, a mother and the founder of Carpool and Coffee: Raising Kind Kids, shared some phrases that work wonders for children because they are easy for kids to understand. She should know — she uses them with her own kids. RELATED: How To Raise Kind Kids Who Can Change This Harsh, Cruel World 1. ‘You can be mad without being mean.’ Everyone has a right to feel whatever emotion they’re experiencing, but you can’t let those feelings impact the …