In a heart-stopping revelation, Kourtney Kardashian shared her harrowing experience of undergoing emergency fetal surgery during her pregnancy with her fourth child, Rocky Thirteen Barker. The 45-year-old reality star, who has always been candid about her personal life, opened up in the first trailer for season 5 of The Kardashians, which premiered this Wednesday. Describing her pregnancy as both a “blessing” and “high-risk,” Kourtney’s emotional journey was highlighted in the show’s new footage, which included scenes from her whimsical Disneyland-themed baby shower and a poignant moment backstage at a Blink-182 concert. “This is really crazy, so I just want Kourtney to be OK,” Kris Jenner, the family matriarch and manager, expressed to a cameraman, underscoring the seriousness of the situation. The preview captured a particularly tense moment, showing Kourtney in a hospital gown, gripping her husband Travis Barker’s hand as she braced for surgery. Reflecting on the ordeal in a confessional, Kourtney confessed, “Going in for fetal surgery was terrifying.” © InstagramTravis and Kourtney at their baby shower Khloé Kardashian, Kourtney’s younger sister, also shared …