All posts tagged: new readers

Your Weekend Reading List – The Atlantic

Your Weekend Reading List – The Atlantic

Plus: Introducing The Atlantic’s time machine Flickr / The Atlantic November 24, 2023, 8 AM ET This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day, helps you discover new ideas, and recommends the best in culture. Sign up for it here. Today, we’ll introduce you to The Atlantic’s time machine. Plus, our editors selected seven great reads for you to dive into this weekend. Time-Travel Thursdays, our latest newsletter, is “for wanderers and wonderers,” our executive editor, Adrienne LaFrance, writes in a welcome note for new readers; it’s “for those who can’t pass a used bookstore without walking in; for readers of history and of science fiction; for the takers of scenic routes and makers of impulsive travel plans.” If that sounds like you, join us as we travel through The Atlantic’s history. Our archive, which dates back to 1857, tells the story of the American idea. It’s full of delightful treasures, poems worth memorizing, arguments worth considering, and episodes of history worth revisiting …