How Donald Trump Warped America’s Reality
This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day, helps you discover new ideas, and recommends the best in culture. Sign up for it here. Donald Trump has hastened America’s decline into a “post-truth” society that privileges feelings over reality, my colleague Megan Garber has argued. I spoke with Megan about her contribution to “If Trump Wins,” our new project considering the threat that a second Trump term poses to American democracy. We discussed Trump’s manipulations and the double-edged power of emotion in American life. First, here are four new stories from The Atlantic: ‘Our Truest Ideology’ Lora Kelley: You write that every story Donald Trump invents—“every wild claim, freed from the dull weight of accuracy—doubles as permission: You, too, can feel your way to your facts.” Why, for Trump’s followers, is that permission to let feelings overpower the truth so compelling? Megan Garber: Facts require a certain amount of effort. They require learning and patience and work. Above all, facts require humility: a …