3 Soul-Sucking Mind Games All Narcissistic Men Play In Relationships | Maggie Connor
A narcissist is usually quite charming and quite intelligent, often making narcissistic mind games hard to spot. Narcissists promise you the sun, moon, and stars. They know how to push your buttons in a way that they ‘entrap’ you in their world so that you do what they want. The moment you stop doing what they want, they get angry. When you choose to leave the relationship, they throw you away and tell everyone they were victimized by you. Never make the error of thinking you can change a narcissist or help them stop playing narcissistic mind games unless you are a trained therapist and they have sought you directly to help them with this mental disorder. Make no mistake, this is a personality and mental disorder, and if needed, they can get help from a mental health care professional, but only if they want the help. RELATED: What I Wish I’d Known Before I Fell For A Narcissist Here are 3 soul-sucking mind games all narcissistic men play in relationships: 1. Inflating their sense …