Universal infant free school meals funding rises by 5p
But funding still lags far behind the actual cost of providing meals in schools But funding still lags far behind the actual cost of providing meals in schools More from this theme Recent articles The rate of funding paid to schools for universal infant free school meals has increased by 5p, but remains far below the estimated actual cost of providing lunches. Schools were initially funded from September based on last year’s rate of £2.53 per meal after a decision on any increase was kicked down the road because of July’s election. But the Department for Education has confirmed today it has increased the rate to £2.58, a rise of 5p, or 2 per cent, and back-dated the increase to September. However, despite the rise, the new rate remains far below the estimated cost of actually providing meals. A recent report from School Food Matters estimated it actually costs £3.16 per meal to provide a hot lunch to pupils. This suggests many schools are either subsidising the meals from elsewhere in their budgets or are …