All posts tagged: Kamala

Elon Musk mocks Ben Stiller with offensive Tropic Thunder reference over Kamala Harris support

Elon Musk mocks Ben Stiller with offensive Tropic Thunder reference over Kamala Harris support

Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter for all the latest entertainment news and reviews Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter Elon Musk used an insensitive slur to ridicule Ben Stiller for his support of Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election. On Wednesday (November 27), a tweet from former investment banker and author John LeFevre went viral. In the post, he included a screenshot of a headline, which read: “Ben Stiller says woke America killed ‘edgier’ comedy,” alongside a photo of Stiller’s Tropic Thunder character. In the controversial 2008 satirical comedy, Stiller plays Tugg Speedman, a method actor known for his portrayal of an autistic farmer called Simple Jack. “Says this…. Endorsed Harris…,” LeFevre tweeted, referring to the headline. Fervent Trump supporter Musk, who the President-elect has hinted will play a role in his cabinet, reshared the post hours later, adding: “Damn he went full r*****.” Musk’s remark is likely a reference to a line from the movie said by Robert Downey Jr.’s character …

Azealia Banks Says She’s Voting for Kamala Harris Because Elon Musk Is an “Overrated Ketamine Addict”

Azealia Banks Says She’s Voting for Kamala Harris Because Elon Musk Is an “Overrated Ketamine Addict”

“Very f*cking dangerous.” Hater’s Ball Despite her prior endorsement of Donald Trump, rapper and reactionary shock jock Azealia Banks now says she’s voting for Kamala Harris — if only to avoid giving her mortal enemy Elon Musk any more power. During a lengthy screed that references Musk’s toxic on-off relationship with her one-time collaborator Claire “Grimes” Boucher, Banks tweeted that she “will be Voting For Kamala Harris tomorrow because Elon Musk (a fucking overrated Ketamine addict) belongs [nowhere] near American Politics.” The “212” rapper has a long history of beef with the wealthy Trump campaign surrogate, and has taken potshots about his oft-admitted drug use before. Back in 2018, Banks live-tweeted what she said was a bizarre stay at Musk’s Los Angeles house after Boucher purportedly invited her over to work on music together. According to long-expired Instagram stories, the New York-born rapper was left there alone “for days” while Grimes “coddled her boyfriend for being too stupid to know not to go on twitter on acid” — a seeming reference to Musk’s fateful tweet …

Harrison Ford Endorses Kamala Harris-Tim Walz Days Before 2024 Election

Harrison Ford Endorses Kamala Harris-Tim Walz Days Before 2024 Election

Harrison Ford is casting his vote in this year’s presidential election for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The Shrinking star released three videos in partnership with the Harris-Walz campaign, where he explained his decision to support the vice president and Minnesota governor over Donald Trump. “When dozens of former members of the Trump administration are sounding alarms, saying, ‘For God’s sake, don’t do this again,’ you have to pay attention,” Ford said in one video (above). “They’re telling us something important. These aren’t soft people. They’re governors, generals, standing up against the leader of the party they spent their lives advocating for.” He explained that for many people, this will be the first time they’ve ever voted for someone who doesn’t have an “R” for Republican next to the names listed because “they know this really matters.” “The truth is this, Kamala Harris will protect your right to disagree with her about policies or ideas, and then, as we have done for centuries, we’ll debate them. We’ll work on them together, and we’ll move forward,” …

Kamala Harris Advertisement Draws Inspiration from Carrie Mae Weems

Kamala Harris Advertisement Draws Inspiration from Carrie Mae Weems

As part of her national campaign advertisements, Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris was lent imagery from artist Carrie Mae Weems‘s landmark “Kitchen Table” series from 1990. The video, titled Kamala’s Table, began airing on October 30 on streaming and digital platforms in key battleground states. Weems most recently made headlines last month for receiving a National Medal of Arts. Her famed “Kitchen Table” series shows Black women posing around a kitchen table, with the artist herself appearing in these photographs. The Harris ad, which is aimed at working-class Black, Latino, Asian and women voters, shows photographs of the Democratic Presidential candidate during her childhood and on the campaign trail in an effort to support the Democratic candidate at the polls on November 5. Related Articles “The kitchen table. It’s where we gather with family. It’s where we eat together, pay our bills. It’s where Kamala Harris learned the importance of serving the people,” the voiceover explains. The ad then continues to outline some of Harris’s key election promises, among them family tax credits and a proposal …

What’s a ‘Jezebel spirit’? Some Christians use the term to paint Kamala Harris with a demonic brush

What’s a ‘Jezebel spirit’? Some Christians use the term to paint Kamala Harris with a demonic brush

(AP) — Christian nationalist leaders are telling followers that Vice President Kamala Harris is under the influence of a “Jezebel spirit,” using a term with deeply racist and misogynistic roots that is setting off alarm bells for religious and political scholars. The concept is inspired by the biblical story of the evil Queen Jezebel, who persecuted prophets and was punished with a horrible death. The word “Jezebel” was used during slavery and throughout U.S. history to describe Black women, casting them as overtly sexual and untrustworthy. In the context of “Jezebel spirit,” the term has sinister connotations, suggesting the person is under the influence of demons in a spiritual battle between good and evil. People who have studied the Jan. 6 insurrection warn that similar rhetoric on spiritual warfare drove many to the U.S. Capitol that day. “People … are hearing this woman is possessed by a demonic spirit that is hardcore, terrible, hates men, hates authority, is going to do whatever she wants to do,” said Anthea Butler, professor at the University of Pennsylvania …

Kamala Harris’s Closing Argument – The Atlantic

Kamala Harris’s Closing Argument – The Atlantic

Kamala Harris’s fate in the remaining weeks of the presidential campaign may turn on whether she can shift the attention of enough voters back to what they might fear from a potential second White House term for Donald Trump. Since replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee this summer, Harris has focused her campaign message above all on reassuring voters that she has the experience and values to serve in the Oval Office. But a consensus is growing among Democratic political professionals that Harris is failing to deliver a sufficiently urgent warning about the risk Trump could pose to American society and democracy in another presidential term. “Reassurance ain’t gonna be what wins the race,” the Democratic pollster Paul Maslin told me—an assessment almost universally shared among the wide array of Democratic strategists and operatives I’ve spoken with in recent days. “What wins the race is the line from the convention: We ain’t going back. We aren’t going to live with this insanity again. It has to be more personal, on him: The man …

This Race Is Kamala Harris’s to Lose. Here’s Why.

This Race Is Kamala Harris’s to Lose. Here’s Why.

In these waning stages of the late Trump era, everything and nothing is a surprise. We’ve become immune. I mean, when you have the nominee of a major political party mentally unplugging during a town hall, stopping answering questions, and swaying along to his own Spotify playlist for 39 interminable minutes—and no one seems to blink—we’re out of surprises. There’s no big last debate. No tentpole events likely to shake up the race in these dwindling days. Yes, a full-on war could break out in the Middle East. Or another hurricane could blow ashore, wreaking havoc—and Category 5 conspiracy theories. But the reality is that if nothing or everything happens between now and November 5, it’s unlikely to change the outcome. This sucker is baked. I’m going to make a bold prediction. Kamala Harris is going to win. Maybe easily. And what does that mean? Well, first of all, there aren’t really any undecided voters. If you haven’t figured this one out by now, chances are you’re sitting it out. In effect, the oldest cliché …

Kamala Harris’ model stepdaughter Ella Emhoff’s baby photo gets fans talking

Kamala Harris’ model stepdaughter Ella Emhoff’s baby photo gets fans talking

Kamala Harris’ family have been by her side every step of the way in the run-up to the 2024 US election, and have been sharing lots of personal memories and photos on social media.  Kamala’s husband, Doug Emhoff – who celebrated his birthday on October 14 – took to Instagram over the weekend to pay tribute to his daughter Ella, 25, for a very important reason.  The doting dad-of-two shared two throwback pictures of his model daughter, including one of her as a baby with brown curly hair, and another of her dressed as a princess, to talk about the importance of women’s rights for future generations.  You may also likeVIDEO: Ella Emhoff walks the runway He wrote: “Being Ella’s dad is a gift. I love her joy, her creativity, her confidence, and the way she shows up for others.” He continued: “Throughout this campaign I’ve found myself thinking a lot about the role we as dads have to play in fighting for a future that empowers our daughters.  There’s so much on the line …

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Face Off on Family Feud

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Face Off on Family Feud

Donald Trump may have refused to do a second debate with Kamala Harris, but Saturday Night Live had another idea for them to face off one more time before the election. Maya Rudolph’s Harris and James Austin Johnson’s Trump met once again on NBC’s sketch comedy show, only this time it was on the Family Feud stage with Kenan Thompson’s Steve Harvey. “I am Steve Harvey and I have spent the past 20 years hosting every show on TV as my alibi for them Diddy parties,” Harvey says. “Now tonight, we got two political rivals.” He then proceeded to introduce the Democrats’ side, which included Harris (Rudolph), Tim Walz (Jim Gaffigan), Joe Biden (Dana Carvey) and Douglas Emhoff (Andy Samberg). On the Republicans’ side, it was Trump (Johnson), J.D. Vance (Bowen Yang), Donald Trump Jr. (Mikey Day) and a missing Melania Trump. “It’s wonderful to be here, Steve. I love to see a man getting paid millions of dollars at his black job,” Harris says after being introduced by the host, who also pointed out …

The Complete Howard Stern Interview with Kamala Harris

The Complete Howard Stern Interview with Kamala Harris

It’s hard to know where to start. This elec­tion comes down to whether we want to reward some­one who tried to sub­vert our democ­ra­cy four years ago. Whether we want to pre­serve the alliances that have kept the peace since World War II. Whether women want to resist los­ing rights they long thought secure. (It’s abor­tion now, and IVF and con­tra­cep­tion next.) Whether we want two new extrem­ists on the Supreme Court for decades to come. Whether we want basic com­pe­tence in the White House, or a men­tal­ly declin­ing chaos agent that calls the shots. Whether we want to hon­or basic facts, or pro­mote con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries that erode any sense of truth. The list goes on. It’s dis­cour­ag­ing that it’s even close, but nine years into this fever dream, we should­n’t be sur­prised that we’re head­ing towards anoth­er razor-thin elec­tion. Above, Kamala Har­ris tells Howard Stern, “Let’s not throw up our hands. Let’s roll up our sleeves, because this is our coun­try.” We’d urge you to take action and vote on Novem­ber 5, or for­ev­er …