9 Harsh Truths About Having A Baby That Only Your Best Friend Will Tell You
Yes, being a new mom is magical and amazing. But you know what else it can be? Brutal. Terrifying. Exhausting. But you’ll survive it, I promise. If you made it through pregnancy and labor, you can adjust to all the changes required to integrate this new little human into your life. As a veteran mom who survived two newborns, I’m here to give you the real, down-and-dirty truth about surviving life as a brand new mom, the kind of advice you only get from a friend who’s been there. Here are 9 harsh truths about having a baby that only your best friend will tell you: 1. You won’t look cute post-birth Kaboompics / Pexels Forget Princess Kate. Nobody looks like that after giving birth unless they have a team of stylists, makeup artists, and hairdressers on call in the delivery room. Your job right now is adjusting to life with a baby and figuring out how to do stuff, like go to the bathroom with a squirming, screaming newborn in your arms. Wear your sweats proudly. Adorn …