Thomas J Gebhardt III – An Interview with the author of Washington
Thomas J Gebhardt III has been seriously writing for nine years after long days in healthcare, doing occupational therapy in the hospital setting. He lives with his wife and son in his hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii. He published his debut novel two years ago, an anti-school shooting novel, and has talked with educators, survivors, and concerned citizens, as well as donated to various charities. His work is heavily influenced by pop culture, including movies, music, shows, video games, comic books, anime and manga. Interview with Thomas J Gebhardt III, the author of Washington TBE: What inspired you to write a story centered around the difficult topic of a school shooting? How did you approach balancing the heavy subject matter with moments of hope and resilience? Thomas J Gebhardt III: To be honest, I wasn’t planning to publish WASHINGTON. It was an idea I had from when I went to high school. Columbine happened in my freshman year, and stuck with me and weighed on me until graduation. I would walk through the halls and wonder …