UK Gardeners Warned About Hairy Plant-Destroying Pests Flooding Gardens This May
The sun is shining! The bank holiday is within touching distance and I can almost smell my beloved beer garden cider from here. It was a pretty treacherous winter, even for those of us who prefer colder months and millions of us will be racing to spend time in the great outdoors. The great outdoors where we can find sun, people walking their beautiful dogs and, oh, bugs. In fact, the green-thumbed experts at have issued a warning to gardeners and homeowners alike that there is an invasion of bugs spreading throughout the UK. These hairy pests are called Cockchafers and nicknamed the Maybug. They are known to be a nuisance around the garden but, fortunately, are not harmful to humans. Just annoying (with a funny name). What are Cockchafers? Chris Bonnett, founder of, said: “If you’ve sat in the garden on a warm summer evening and suddenly hear a loud, aggressive buzzing noise, it’s likely to be an adult Cockchafer. “The adult bugs will seek plants and flowers but are unlikely to …