What’s Happening in Russia Is Not an Election
If you read global news, you’ll be told that Russia is holding an election this weekend. That’s not true. Millions of Russians will be voting, but not in an election: Call it an “election-style event.” Terminology matters. Many people wrongly see elections as synonymous with democracy because the same word is used to refer to wildly different events. A genuine election, when it takes place, is one of the fundamental pillars that uphold democracy. But a rigged contest marks the death of democracy and renders all the other essential pillars irrelevant, because the people no longer have a meaningful say over who governs. This year, more people are casting ballots than ever before in human history, and yet the world is becoming less democratic. That’s because many of those votes are meaningless, registered in sham contests that don’t deserve to be called elections. Russia’s upcoming charade is a classic example of voting without democracy. Read: Lots of people will vote this year. That doesn’t mean democracy will survive. Why do tyrants like Vladimir Putin bother …