Twin Peaks Actually Explained: A 4-Hour Video Essay Demystifies It All
I don’t know about you, but my YouTube algorithms can act like a nagging friend, suggesting a video for days until I finally give in. Such was the case with this video essay with the tantalizing title: “Twin Peaks ACTUALLY EXPLAINED (No, Really)”. First of all, before, during, and after 2017’s Twin Peaks The Return, theories were as inescapable as the cat memes on the Twin Peaks Facebook groups. After the mind-blowing Episode 8, they went into overdrive, including the bonkers idea that the final two episodes were meant to be watched *overlaid* on each other. And I highlighted one in-depth journey through the entire three decades of the Lynch/Frost cultural event for this very site. So when I finally clicked on the link I balked immediately: Four and a half hours? Are you kidding me? (You might be saying the very thing to yourself now.) But just like the narrator says, bear with me. Over the week, I watched the entire thing in 30-minute segments, not because it was grueling, but because time is …