All posts tagged: Erection

This is how we do it: ‘Since having prostate cancer I can’t get an erection, but I still get just as much pleasure’ | Life and style

This is how we do it: ‘Since having prostate cancer I can’t get an erection, but I still get just as much pleasure’ | Life and style

Sebastian, 51 I was really worried about how it would affect Teresa. There’s this whole stigma that a ‘real’ man has a working penis I was diagnosed with prostate cancer a couple of weeks after meeting Teresa, about 18 months ago. It was a really hard time. I was widowed four years ago and this was my first proper relationship since. Things were going really well. I had to talk with Teresa about it and give her the opportunity to leave, because nobody wants to go through that – I’ve been through it before, having lost my wife to cancer. Thankfully she stayed. Sex was a huge part of our lives, but after five months together I had a radical prostatectomy. It’s the removal of the full prostate gland and any affected nerve tissue. I was told there was a possibility I would never get another erection. I would definitely never ejaculate, nor be able to orgasm in the way I’m used to. I had to look at the bigger picture: yes I’d be without …

An Erection Is Not Consent

An Erection Is Not Consent

Source: YorVern / iStock Imagine a group of men sitting in a circle, talking about how one of them was groomed by a woman—how she got him drunk, coerced an erection, and manipulated him into having sex. She then blackmailed him, made him think he didn’t have an option of refusing her, or perhaps he did refuse, and she did not stop. Imagine him calling it rape. Although few incidents of male sexual assault are reported in any given year, the reality is that men are victims of sexual harassment, molestation, and rape on a daily basis. When we think of sexual violence against men, we typically assume that the perpetrators are other men, but the truth is that men are abused by women as often as they are by other men. Rape of men by women is far more prevalent than we see or hear about in the news, social media, or even in our hospital and legal systems. Underreporting is often due to the shame and stigma of being perceived as “not man …