This is how we do it: ‘Since having prostate cancer I can’t get an erection, but I still get just as much pleasure’ | Life and style
Sebastian, 51 I was really worried about how it would affect Teresa. There’s this whole stigma that a ‘real’ man has a working penis I was diagnosed with prostate cancer a couple of weeks after meeting Teresa, about 18 months ago. It was a really hard time. I was widowed four years ago and this was my first proper relationship since. Things were going really well. I had to talk with Teresa about it and give her the opportunity to leave, because nobody wants to go through that – I’ve been through it before, having lost my wife to cancer. Thankfully she stayed. Sex was a huge part of our lives, but after five months together I had a radical prostatectomy. It’s the removal of the full prostate gland and any affected nerve tissue. I was told there was a possibility I would never get another erection. I would definitely never ejaculate, nor be able to orgasm in the way I’m used to. I had to look at the bigger picture: yes I’d be without …