Embracing the Extraordinary | Psychology Today
Have you ever encountered a moment that seemed to defy the physical explanations of the world? Perhaps an unexplained encounter with the deceased, a message in a dream, hearing voices, or even an out-of-body experience? These encounters with the unseen world, often disturbing or even frightening, challenge the notion that the physical world is all that exists. Because they don’t fit neatly into the physicalist worldview (i.e., “everything is physical,” “there is nothing beyond the physical,” or that everything supervenes on the physical), they are referred to as “anomalous.” However, the frequency of these experiences in the population is not anomalous at all. According to a study conducted in 20121, 75% of participants reported having one or more anomalous experiences at some frequency, with 48% indicating that these occurrences happened sometimes or often. Specifically, 15.3% of respondents reported hearing voices at any frequency, while 13.8% experienced visual phenomena not seen by others. Notably, these anomalous experiences do not strongly correlate with specific religious beliefs, self-reported levels of religiosity, or scientific training.2 Despite their challenges to …