All posts tagged: Cube

Patriot iLuxe Cube: A Smart Backup Solution for Apple Devices

Patriot iLuxe Cube: A Smart Backup Solution for Apple Devices

Apple users looking for a quick and easy way to back up their devices might be interested to know that Patriot, has unveiled the iLuxe Cube. A sophisticated backup device specifically designed for Apple’s iPhone & iPads that seamlessly merges charging and backup functionalities. Presenting a cost-effective alternative to traditional cloud storage solutions. By eliminating the need for subscription fees, the iLuxe Cube offers users efficient data management coupled with robust security features, making it an attractive option for those seeking to streamline their digital storage needs. If you’re an Apple user, you might find yourself juggling between charging your devices and making sure your precious data is safely backed up. The iLuxe Cube offers a refreshing alternative, providing a cost-effective and efficient way to manage your data while keeping your devices charged and ready to go. Smart iPhone Backup Solution With features like preserving original metadata for accurate restoration and supporting multiple users with dedicated folders, it caters to the needs of both individuals and families. Plus, its robust security measures, including the Trusted …

My first time doing tai chi: ‘It feels like my brain is solving a Rubik’s Cube’ | Australian lifestyle

My first time doing tai chi: ‘It feels like my brain is solving a Rubik’s Cube’ | Australian lifestyle

For the first 15 minutes of my tai chi class, we remain entirely in one spot to warm up. From afar, it probably looks as though we’re standing with our arms by our side and then – in slow motion – lifting them in front of us to 90 degrees. But if you were to look inside my brain, you would see my synapses firing trying to keep up with the instructor’s directions to do things that can’t be seen. “Form the arches under your feet. Soften your knees, not bending,” says Angela, a tai chi instructor of 28 years. “Visualise the back of your knees. Relax there to relax your knee bones in front.” I realise I rarely direct thoughts to my knees (there hasn’t been much knee-d to before this), but again, before there’s time to dwell, there’s more to do. According to Angela, a successful hour of tai chi is an hour with no negative thoughts. “If your mind and body go together,” she says. “That’s all that matters.” ‘It turns out …

NASA will unfurl a 860-square-foot solar sail from within a microwave-sized cube

NASA will unfurl a 860-square-foot solar sail from within a microwave-sized cube

NASA hitched a ride aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron Launcher in New Zealand yesterday evening, and is preparing to test a new, highly advanced solar sail design. Now in a sun-synchronous orbit roughly 600-miles above Earth, the agency’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) will in the coming weeks deploy and showcase technology that could one day power deep-space missions without the need for any actual rocket fuel, after launch. The fundamentals behind solar sails aren’t in question. By capturing the pressure emitted by solar energy, thin sheets can propel a spacecraft at immense speeds, similar to a sailboat. Engineers have already demonstrated the principles before, but NASA’s new project will specifically showcase a promising boom design constructed of flexible composite polymer materials reinforced with carbon fiber. Although delivered in a toaster-sized package, ACS3 will take less than 30 minutes to unfurl into an 860-square-foot sheet of ultrathin plastic anchored by its four accompanying 23-foot-long booms. These poles, once deployed, function as sailboat booms, and will keep the sheet taut enough to capture solar energy. [Related: …

Samsung Bespoke Cube Air Infinite air prufiers launched

Samsung Bespoke Cube Air Infinite air prufiers launched

Samsung is adding some new devices to its Bespoke range of home appliances with the launch of the new Samsung Bespoke Cube Air Infinite air purifiers which Samsung descrivbes as a premium air purifier with an AI function. The Bespoke Cube Air Infinite line applies ‘4-way surround cleaning’ technology to suck in polluted air in 360 degrees on all four sides and expel clean air evenly throughout the space. When faster purification and air circulation are needed, the ‘Pop-up Clean Booster’ located at the top of the product operates and sends clean air that has passed through the filter up to 11 meters away. This booster can be customized to your living space by setting the rotation angle range through the SmartThings app, and is designed to be hidden inside when not in operation, so it blends in harmoniously with the surrounding environment. This product is equipped with an integrated ‘S Filter’ consisting of an ultrafine filter, antibacterial dust collection filter, and charcoal deodorization reinforcement filter, removing 99.999% of dust as small as 0.01㎛, which …

Amazon’s new 5 thin client looks just like a Fire TV Cube

Amazon’s new $195 thin client looks just like a Fire TV Cube

Amazon’s new thin client looks just like a Fire TV Cube…and that’s by design. The company this morning announced the launch of new $195 devices that allow enterprise users to access virtual desktop environments, like Amazon WorkSpaces, over the internet. The devices are housed in Fire TV Cube hardware — a decision Amazon made to leverage existing expertise from the arm of the retail giant that makes streaming media players. The company explained its decision to build new hardware came from customer feedback about wanting to lower I.T. spending by replacing desktops and laptops with less expensive hardware. Today, many of Amazon’s enterprise customers log on to virtual desktops based on AWS End User Computing Services, like Amazon WorkSpaces, WorkSpaces Web, or Amazon AppStream, but they tend to do so over desktops or laptops that cost their employer $600 to $1200 each, Amazon says. The new thin clients will dramatically undercut that pricing, though they will not have all the capabilities of a dedicated PC. Still, the idea was to offer customers a way to …

Speed-cubing world record broken: Max Park takes astonishing 3.13 seconds to solve 3x3x3 cube | Sport

Some speedcubing fans were left in tears after a prestigious and longstanding record was broken by American champion cuber Max Park, who took an astonishing 3.13 seconds to solve a 3x3x3 puzzle. The 21-year-old smashed the previous benchmark of 3.47 seconds set by China’s Yusheng Du in 2018 to enter the Guinness Book of World Records at the Pride in Long Beach 2023 event in California. As the magnitude of his feat became clear, cheers erupted. “The atmosphere was electric,” Park’s father, Schwan Park, told the Guinness book. “Everybody knew that he had broken the record, and I think partially everybody was in shock. “The cubing world has been nothing short of ecstatic. Everybody was really waiting to see who was going to break that record. When Max did it, everybody was very happy for him.” Schwan described the 3x3x3 record as the “crème de la crème” of cubing titles after his son added it to a host of others he holds, including the single solve and average solve world records for the 4x4x4 cube, …