Woman flew to UK for contract killing disguised in hijab
UK police are hunting an American woman who flew to Birmingham to carry out a contract killing disguised in a hijab. Aimee Betro, 44, was hired to kill Sikander Ali, a clothes boutique owner, on the orders of business rival Mohammed Aslam, 56, and his son Mohammed Nazir, 30, a court heard. Betro disguised herself in a hijab before trying to gun Ali down outside a house in Acocks Green, Birmingham on Sept 7, 2019. The would-be hit woman fled when her gun jammed, but later returned in a taxi and fired three shots at the property before texting Mr Ali’s father Aslat Mahamud: “Stop playing hide and seek” and “Where are you hiding?” Betro flew back to the United States two days after the failed killing. Nazir and Aslam were found guilty of conspiracy to murder on Monday after Birmingham Crown Court heard they had held a grudge against Mr Ali’s family following a violent dispute at his boutique clothing store in Birmingham on July 21, 2018. Efforts to find Betro ‘continue’ West Midlands …