School results, smoking rates, shop closures? New statistics tool helps you compare local areas in the UK
If you’re not a die-hard numbers person, government statistics can often go right over your head. That is, unless the data is easy to access and directly speaks to your everyday life. A new online service from the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) aims to facilitate just that. Launched in March 2024, the Explore Local Statistics service collates 57 local measurements, across topics ranging from health and school results to smoking and income levels. You simply input your postcode or the name of an area you are thinking of moving to, say, and you can explore, download and map all kinds of statistics that tell you something about what living there is like. The ONS has highlighted that data published by public bodies is often difficult to access for officials, let alone ordinary residents who are simply curious about their local areas. This new service, by contrast, makes it easy. Local statistics are vital to understanding your local area. Serge Cornu|Shutterstock Geographical inequalities What do Kingston upon Hull, a port city towards the north …