Hargreaves Lansdown works with University of Bristol to launch financial wellbeing
Hargreaves Lansdown is working with University of Bristol to provide financial wellbeing courses for students. The pilot launched on 15 April 2024 and consisted of five custom-built modules delivered to over 70 University of Bristol students through blended learning, webinar and face-to-face mentoring sessions. The students who choose to enrol on the HL Financial Wellbeing course will get the blueprint for good financial health: how to create a smart spending plan and shop savvy – the tools to make their money work harder and build good money habits that they can take into life after university, setting them on the right financial path. And with increased knowledge typically comes heightened confidence – providing students with the tools to combat financial anxieties. The content is structured on HL’s 5 to Thrive framework, the five key building blocks for financial resilience. There are five modules which will be delivered as a blended learning experience. The course will also cover what core employee benefits to look out for when entering the world of work, as well as the role of investments …